Samtökin '78 national assembly 11. febrúar 2017

By 8. janúar, 2017Uncategorized

Since Samtökin '78, the National Queer Organization of Iceland, held the first national assembly of the LGBTIQAP+ / queer community in 2013 under the name Samtakamátturinn, three eventful years have passed. Samtökin '78's work has evolved considerably over this time period and it has been proven beyond any doubt how important the organization is to its members and to Icelandic society. The time has come to pause and take stock, place Samtakamátturinn 2013 in context and develop objectives and priorities for the years to come. Samtökin '78 are therefore holding a second national assembly to address these matters.

A diverse group of participants is essential for a successful assembly, as this ensures that the organization's agenda for the coming years will take into account the voices of different groups in the community. In addition to members of Samtökin '78, we welcome participation by everyone who is interested in the issues facing the queer community, including politicians, scholars, relatives, or queer people who are not members of the organization.


13:00 Registration and distribution of meeting materials

Assignment to groups based on themes
Please come in good time!

13:30 Opening remarks
Address: Þorsteinn Víglundsson, minister of social affairs and equality

Perspectives: Anna Pála Sverrisdóttir and Böðvar Björnsson

13:50 Group work begins

15.00 Refreshments and lottery

15.15 Perspectives: Davíð Illugi Hjörleifsson and Lana Kolbrún Eddudóttir
Address: María Helga Guðmundsdóttir, president of Samtökin ‘78

15.35 Group work continues

17:00 Closing remarks and reception

The meeting will be chaired by Sigursteinn Másson and Þóra Kristín Ásgeirsdóttir.

After the reception, all participants are welcome to join for a celebration at Suðurgata 3 (timing to be announced). From there it will be possible to proceed to Pink Iceland’s Masquerade Ball at Iðnó, which opens at 10:30 pm. Discounted tickets to the ball are available for members of Samtökin ‘78.


Details forthcoming


As in 2013, English-language discussion groups will be available and we encourage participation by non-Icelandic-speaking members of the community.


Families with children are especially welcome at the assembly. Representatives from the Association of Queer Parents will supervise a children's corner where the youngest attendees can play. (Parents/guardians are responsible for their children.)


It is important to us that the assembly be accessible to all interested participants. All venues are wheelchair-accessible. If you have any other accessibility needs, please email us at



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