Akureyri – Norðurland – Hópur foreldra og aðstandenda tekur til starfa

By 10. október, 2003Fréttir

Frettir Foreldrar og aðrir aðstandendur lesbía og homma á Akureyri og annars staðar á Norðurlandi stefna að því að hittast einu sinni í mánuði í vetur. Fyrsti fundur verður fimmtudaginn 16. október í Sigurhæðum á Akureyri og hefst kl. 20:00.

Hópnum er ætlað að vera óformlegur fræðslu- og sjálfsstyrkingarhópur nánustu aðstandenda homma og lesbía svo þeir geti betur höndlað þann veruleika að eiga samkynhneigða ættingja og jafnframt verið þeim betri bakhjarlar en ella. Stefnt er að því að fá af og til sérfræðinga til að flytja stutt erindi og svara áleitnum fyrispurnum. Á fyrsta fundinn kemur Harpa Njáls, félagsfræðingur, sem um árabil hefur stýrt samtökum foreldra og aðstandenda samkynhneigðra í Reykjavík.

Foreldrar og aðstandendur samkynhneigðra á Akureyri og annars staðar á Norðurlandi eru velkomnir á fundinn.



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    A few Bitcoin critics claim that since Bitcoin is nothing more than software, the rules of the Bitcoin network can be changed easily. These critics believe that as the block subsidy—the amount of new bitcoin minted in each block—shrinks every four years, miners, who expend resources to produce new bitcoin, will seek to defend their revenue stream by increasing the supply cap beyond 21 million bitcoin. In April 2021, Swiss insurer AXA announced that it had begun accepting Bitcoin as a mode of payment for all its lines of insurance except life insurance (due to regulatory issues). Premier Shield Insurance, which sells home and auto insurance policies in the US, also accepts Bitcoin for premium payments. Bitcoin is often used as a payment option or as an alternative investment. As a payment method, bitcoin can be used to buy goods and services. Although the number of vendors that accept the cryptocurrency is still limited, vendors like PayPal and AT&T are starting to accept bitcoin payments. Electric car company Tesla has also gone back and forth in deciding to accept bitcoin payments. As a form of investment, individuals can invest in Bitcoin to help diversify a portfolio of stocks and bonds.
    There are modern wallets that have the ability to use your personal Bitcoin node as a source of truth, and with the advantages of additional security and advanced features. This also follows the Unix mantra of “do one thing and do it well.” The recommended way to use your Bitcoin node is with an external wallet. What category is this going to be located in when it’s released? Once again, it is prudent to remember that you are not just limited to running Bitcoin Core Wallet through Bitcoin Core, but can also delve into running a full node on the Bitcoin network even when you do not have to use your Bitcoin Core Wallet. Ask Ubuntu is a question and answer site for Ubuntu users and developers. It only takes a minute to sign up. Lean how to publish your first post in Jekyll

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