Alþjóða alnæmisdagurinn

By 29. nóvember, 2004Fréttir

Tilkynningar Á alþjóða alnæmisdaginn munu Alnæmissamtökin, Ungliðahópur Samtakanna ´78, FSS og KMK standa fyrir göngu í tilefni dagsins. Við hvetjum alla til að mæta og sýna stuðning við þetta verðuga málefni. Þar verða seld friðarkerti til stuðnings málstaðnum, auk þess sem rauði borðinn verður til sölu.


20:00 Lagt af stað frá gatnamótum Laugarvegs og Skólavörðustígs. Fánar alnæmis, samkynhneigðra og tvíkynhneigðra í fararbroddi.

20:15 Kveikt á friðarkertum sem mynda alnæmismerkið fyrir framan Fríkirkjuna. Kerti seld á staðnum.

20:20 Einnar mínútu þögn til minningar um alla þá sem farið hafa.

20:30 Ávarp prests

20:40 Hallveig Rúnarsdóttir sópran syngur við píanóundirleik Árna Heimis Ingólfssonar 20:50 Ávarp formanns alnæmissamtakanna


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    Step 1: Clean your brows and apply our Tattoo Brow tinted semi-permanent eyebrows over your existing brow hair. If any mistakes are made or you need to reshape, use a cotton bud to easily remove your Tattoo Brow before it sets. RRP $24.95 The lift-up brush on the opposite end adds dimension and lifts the brow arch, creating a polished finish. Ideal for achieving defined brows that stay put, this dual-ended stick is perfect for on-the-go touch-ups and everyday use. Discover the convenience and long-lasting results of Maybelline’s Tattoo Brow Lift Stick for brows that wow every time. Benefit High Brow Pencil Creamy Brow Highlighting Pencil, 0.1 Ounce How to use: Apply with brush to brows. Leave on for at least 20 minutes. Use fingers to peel the semi-permanent brow tattoo off and avoid harsh exfoliating for longer wear.
    Customer Service is available Monday through Friday from 9:00-5:00 PST By popular request I’ve put together a foundation + concealer guide with a comprehensive list of my current foundation and concealer shades. You can always refer to my BASE MAKEUP Category to see what foundations, concealers and powders I’ve reviewed too! A number of you asked for a list of all the shades I use or have reviewed in one single list for reference. This isn’t a complete list since a number of formulas have been discontinued or reformulated, but it’s a relatively current one. **This post will update as I get more responses** Selecting the right shade of foundation can be a difficult task at the best of times but when you cannot access the foundation to swatch it, things become even more tricky. Unless you’ve done some intensive research online, there is a big chance that you will end up ordering buying the wrong shade of foundation and there’s nothing worse than throwing your money down the drain (unfortunately, unlike our American counterparts, in the UK, we aren’t able to return cosmetics if bought in-store, even if it’s not been used, and if we buy on-line, we are only able to return if it’s not been used).

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