Fundurinn var haldinn á Kiki Queer Bar að Laugavegi 22 í Reykjavík og hann sátu Hilmar Magnússon formaður (HM), Svandís Anna Sigurðardóttir varaformaður (SAS), , Kamilla Einarsdóttir ritari (KE), Aldís Þorbjörg Ólafsdóttir meðstjórnandi (AÞÓ), og Valgerður Jónsdóttir áheyrnarfulltrúi trúnaðarráðs (VJ). Fríða Agnarsdóttir
Forföll: Örn Danival Kristjánsson, Vilhjálmur Ingi Vilhjálmsson gjaldkeri (VIV) og Gunnar Helgi Guðjónsson meðstjórnandi (GHG)
Auk stjórnar sat fundinn, Árni Grétar Jóhannsson (ÁGJ) framkvæmdastjóri. Fríða Agnarsdóttir (FA)
Ár 2014, miðvikudaginn 17. september kl. 17.40 var haldinn fundur stjórnar Samtakanna ‘78.
Kamilla Einarsdóttir ritaði fundargerð
1. Dagskrá næstu þriggja mánaða – 17.9.2014 til 10.12.2014
dagsetning | kl. | viðburður/verkefni | staður |
23.9.14 | 12.15 | Bi Visibility Day – Bókafn S78 afhent | Borgarbókasafn |
23.9.14 | 15.30 | Bi Visibility Day – Bókafn S78 afhent | Þjóðarbókhlaða |
1.10.14 | 17.30 | Stjórnarfundur – sam. kvöldverður | óákveðið |
7.10.14 | 12.00 | Erindi formanns hjá Sagnfræðingafélagi | Sagnfræðingafélagið |
8.10.14 – 11.10.14 | Ársþing ILGA Europe | Riga, Lettland | |
18.10.2014 | 14.00 | Haustfundur stjórnar og trúnaðarráðs | óákveðið |
20.10.14 – 21.10.14 | Fundur um „Networks Against Hate“ | Madríd, Spáni | |
26.10. 14 | Intersex Awareness Day | óákveðið | |
13.11.14 | Félagsfundur um fjárhagsáætlun o.fl | óákveðið | |
20.11.14 | Minningardagur transfólks | óákveðið | |
27.11.14 | „No Hate“ ráðstefna | Madríd, Spáni | |
1.12.14 | Alþjóðlegi AIDS dagurinn | óákveðið | |
4.12.14 | Jólabingó Samtakanna ’78 | óákveðið |
2. Forgangsmál
Almennt félagsstarf – Brotthvarf Arnar Danival úr stjórn og skipan nýs fulltrúa
HM hefur tilkynnt formanni trúnaðarráðs, Sigurði Júlíusi Guðmundssyni, um brotthvarf Arnar Danival Kristjánssonar úr stjórn. Búist er við að trúnaðarráð verði búið að skipa nýjan fulltrúa fyrir næsta fund stjórnar. Ábyrgð: HM – Í vinnslu.
Almennt félagsstarf – Haustfundur stjórnar og trúnaðarráðs
Rætt var um inntak og dagsetningu haustfundar stjórnar og trúnaðarráðs. Stjórn samþykkir að leggja til dagsetninguna laugardaginn 18.okt frá klukkan 14:00-18 og svo mun fólk fara saman út að borða og skemmta sér á eftir. Ákveðið að helga daginn uppbyggingu félagsins, m.a. með innslögum frá ILGA ráðstefnunni. Ábyrgð: HM og SAS – Í vinnslu.
Alþjóðamál – Ársþing ILGA Europe í Riga, Lettlandi 8. til 11. október 2014
HM upplýsti að hann, SAS og ÁGJ muni ganga frá greiðslum og bókunum v. flugs, gistingar o.fl. í vikunni. HM upplýsti að á þinginu verði m.a. námskeið og vinnustofur um uppbyggingu, rekstur og viðhald félagasamtaka. Stjórn leggur áherslu á þátttöku í þeim viðburðum með það að markmiði að þingfulltrúar skili þeirri þekkingu inn í starf samtakanna. Ákvörðun um efnislegt innihald að öðru leyti frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: ÁGJ, HM og SAS – Í vinnslu.
Alþjóðamál – Verkefnið „Networks against hate“ með FELGBT í Madríd
AÞÓ verður
fulltrúi S78 á fyrsta fundi í Madríd í október og ráðstefnu í nóvember. AÞÓ hefur verið í sambandi við skipuleggjendur ytra og upplýsti að allt sé í finu lagi. Stjórn samþykkir að fela AÞÓ að safna saman upplýsingum um öll verkefni er tengjast hatursglæpum og -orðræðu sem felagið hefur komið að undanfarin misseri og gætu nýst í verkefninu. Ábyrgð: AÞÓ. – Í vinnslu.
Fjármál – Samningur við Reykjavíkurborg og fjárveitingar frá ríki
Rætt um þjónustusamning við Reykjavíkurborg sem rennur út í nóvember. Stjórn samþykkir að fela ÁGJ að halda áfram viðræðum við Reykjavíkurborg um áframhald samnings og hugsanlega útvíkkun. Rætt um fjárveitingar frá ríki en nú standa yfir á þingi umræður um fjárlagafrumvarp. Stjórnin er óhress með þá stefnu sem stjórnvöld tóku í fyrra varðandi verkefnastyrki. HM mun óska eftir fundi með ráðherra og fjárlaganefndarfulltrúum. Ábyrgð: ÁGJ – Í vinnslu.
Fjármál – Fjárhagsáætlun næsta árs og félagsfundur í nóvember
VIV var fjarverandi. Frestað til næsta fundar en ákveðið að halda félagsfund um málefnið 13. nóvember. Ábyrgð: VIV – Í vinnslu.
Húsnæðismál – Suðurgata 3 – staða framkvæmda og næstu skref
Pípulagningamaður lauk sinni vinnu í dag. Rafverktaki og smiður mæta á morgun og er búist að smíðavinnu ljúki í byrjun október. Næsta stóra verkefni sem þarfnast liðsinnis sjálfboðaliða er málningavinnan. Tímasetning kemur í ljós á morgun og upplýsingar þar um sendar með fréttabréfi til félagsmanna á föstudaginn – ásamt öðrum tilkynningum. Áminning til stjórnar: Það verður að muna að taka niður nöfn á sjálfboðaliðum. Þarf að muna að setja inn myndir á facebook. Setja meiri gleði í þetta! Ábyrgð: Allir – Í vinnslu.
Menning og viðburðir – Bi Visibility Day og formleg afhending bókasafns S78
HM hefur verið í sambandi við HÍ og Borgarbókasafn. Stefnt er að tveimur viðburðum 23. september nk. – kl. 12.15 á Borgarbókasafni og kl. 15.30 í Þjóðarbókhlöðu. Viðburðirnir fela í sér stutt erindi formanns, móttöku þiggjanda og stuttan upplestur á texta sem tengist efni dagsins en Anna Stína Gunnarsdóttir og Auður Magndís Auðardóttir hafa boðist til að finna til texta og flytja. HM hefur sett upp skjal með verkefnislýsingu þar sem fram kemur hvað þurfi að klára fyrir viðburðinn. Það þarf að huga að fjölmiðlaumfjöllun. Ábyrgð: HM og ÁGJ – Í vinnslu.
3.Staða annarra mála frá síðasta fundi
Almennt félagsstarf – Félagsstarf, viðburðahópur og aðrir starfshópar/nefndir
Fundargerð liggur frá stefnumóti frá í vor, m.a. með yfirliti yfir starfshópa. Frestað þar til sér fyrir endann á framkvæmdum við húsnæði. Þá verði starfshópar, nefndir og önnur starfsemi kynnt í veglegu opnunarhófi og fólki gefinn kostur á þátttöku. Ábyrgð: HM, SAS, GHG, ÁGJ.
Almennt félagsstarf – Stefnumótun S78 og Samtakamáttur
Frestað þar til framkvæmdir við húsnæði eru yfirstaðnar. Sjá lið 3.1. Ábyrgð: HM.
Almennt félagsstarf – Starfshópur um málefni tvíkynhneigðra
Frestað þar til framkvæmdir við húsnæði eru yfirstaðnar. Sjá lið 3.1. Ábyrgð: HM.
Almennt félagsstarf – Mannréttindaviðurkenning Samtakanna ´78
Ákveðið var í sumar að hvíla veitingu viðurkenningar á Reykjavík Pride í ár og taka betri umræðu um form og inntak hennar í vetur. Frestað þar til framkvæmdir við húsnæði eru yfirstaðnar. Sjá lið 3.1. Ábyrgð: HM.
Almennt félagsstarf – Ungliðaball á hinsegin dögum og fleira
Ungliðaball var haldið laugardaginn 9. ágúst. Var heldur fámennara en fyrir ári, en þótti takast vel og skilaði nýjum félögum inn í starfið. Ábyrgð: VIV – Lokið.
Alþjóðamál – Úgandaverkefni
Borist hafa upplýsingar frá norsku systursamtökunum LLH um hvernig flutningi fjármuna hefur verið háttað til Úganda – en óvissa í þeim efnum hefur tafið verkefnið. Verkefnisstjórn Úganda verkefnis falið að fjalla um málið og gera tillögur að næstu skrefum fyrir næsta fund stjórnar. Ábyrgð: AÞÓ, VIV, ÁGJ og HM. – Í vinnslu.
Alþjóðamál – Vestnorrænt samstarf
Grænlendingar hafa verið í sambandi við S78 um góð ráð, en nú hefur verið stofnað félag hinsegin fólks í Nuuk. Umræða fór fram í Facebookhópi stjórnar og trúnaðarráðs og Stjórnarspjalli fyrrverandi og núverandi stjórnarmeðlima á FB. HM kemur góðum ráðum til skila. Ábyrgð: HM, AÞÓ – Lokið.
Alþjóðamál – IDAHOBIT Malta
Greinargerð er lokið og birtist hún ásamt annarri umfjöllun um alþjóðamál í ársskýrslu 2014-2015. Vísað til vinnu við gerð ársskýrslu. Ábyrgð: SAS/HM/ÁGJ. – Lokið.
Alþjóðamál – Aðild að TGEU, GLISA og félagsgjöld ILGA Europe o.fl.
Gengið verður frá greiðslu félagsgjalda í ILGA Europe í vikunni. Ábyrgð VIV og ÁGJ – Í vinnslu.
Alþjóðamál – Þátttaka í opnun sýningarinnar ‘Gay Greenland’ í Kaupmannahöfn
VIV fjarverandi. Greinargerð frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: HM, AÞÓ og VIV – Í vinnslu.
Menning og viðburðir – Formaður í móttöku hjá ameríska sendiráðinu
HM sótti vel heppnaða móttöku hjá bandaríska sendiráðinu sl. föstudag þar sem fráfarandi upplýsingafulltrúi, Paul Cunningham, var kvaddur og nýr boðinn velkominn. Paul hefur starfað töluvert með hinsegin samfélaginu, m.a. í gegnum stuðning og þátttöku sendiráðsins við Hinsegin daga. Þátttaka í móttökunni var því m.a. liður í því að viðhalda góðum og mikilvægum tengslum og afla nýrra. Ábyrgð: HM – Lokið.
Menning og viðburðir – Jafnréttisdagar HÍ – Hinsegin kvöldstund og lokahóf
Á síðasta stjórnarfundi var ákveðið að draga S78 að mestu út úr viðburðum Jafnréttisdaga vegna manneklu og tímaleysis. HM upplýsti að hann hefði verið í sambandi við Arnar Gíslason jafnfréttisfulltrúa HÍ og tjáð honum að S78 sæu sér því miður ekki fært að taka þátt að þessu sinni. Aðilar voru sammála um að taka upp þráðinn síðar við betri aðstæður. Ábyrgð: HM – Lokið.
Fjármál og fjáröflun – Fjármál ungliða
Frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: VIV. – Í vinnslu.
Fræðsla, ráðgjöf og rannsóknir – Fræðslubæklingur
Frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: SAS, USJ. – Í vinnslu.
Fræðsla, ráðgjöf og rannsóknir – Lögreglubæklingur
Frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: SAS, USJ. – Í vinnslu.
Fræðsla, ráðgjöf og rannsóknir – Fræðsla um fötlun til ráðgjafa
Frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: SAS, USJ. – Í vinnslu.
Fræðsla, ráðgjöf og rannsóknir – Fræðslufundur í Ráðhúsi
Frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: SAS, USJ. – Í vinnslu.</ p>
Hatursglæpir og hatursorðræða – skráning, tölfræði og birting
Frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: HM, USJ. – Í vinnslu.
Hælisleitendur og innflytjendur – Mál hælisleitanda Y
Bókað í trúnaðarbók. Málið er í ferli og mun stjórnin fylgjast með þróun þess.
Lýðheilsa og íþróttir – Hinsegin jóga og fleira
ÁGJ upplýsti að hann hefði rætt við félaga í Styrmi um hugsanlegt hinsegin jóga og fleiri viðburði í nýju húsnæði. Ábyrgð: ÁGJ og VIV – Í vinnslu.
Lýðheilsa og íþróttir – Lýðheilsuhópur og verkefnisstjórn um HIV tékk
Frestað þar til framkvæmdir við húsnæði eru yfirstaðnar. Sjá lið 3.1. Ábyrgð: HM. – Í vinnslu.
Menning og viðburðir – Reykjavík Pride – Innlegg í dagskrárrit
Verkefnið tókst vel, leit vel út í dagskrárriti og þótti gefa góða mynd af starfsemi félagsins. Ákveðið að sambærilegur annáll starfseminnar verði tekinn upp í ársskýrslu. Ábyrgð: AÞÓ, HM og ÁGJ – Lokið.
Menning og viðburðir – Reykjavík Pride – Þátttaka S78
S78 tóku þátt í gleðigöngu Hinsegin daga og var gengið undir yfirskriftinni „Ég er ekki með fordóma, EN…“ Um var að ræða „besu bitana“ úr kommentakerfum fjölmiðla, til að minna á að enn getur verið grunnt á andúð og fordómum og að hinsegin fólk verði enn fyrir aðkasti, m.a. í netheimum. Atriðið vakti þónokkurt umtal og athygli, m.a. í fréttamiðlum. Formaður gekk fyrir hópnum í gervi Hýru Bjarkar og var mikil stemmning í hópnum. Ábyrgð: HM og ÁGJ – Lokið.
Menning og viðburðir – Reykjavíkurmaraþon á Menningarnótt
XXXXX tóku þátt. Ábyrgð: VIV – Lokið.
Menning og viðburðir – Iceland Queerwaves
Frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: GHG, HM, VIV og ÁGJ. – Í vinnslu.
Menning og viðburðir – Beiðni Minjasafns Reykjavíkur um þátttöku í viðburði
Ákveðið var í sumar að benda safninu á að hafa samband við Særúnu Lísu Birgisdóttur þjóðfræðing þar sem S78 hafa því miður hvorki tíma né mannskap í verkefnið þótt jákvætt og áhugavert sé. Viðburðurinn tókst vel og fékk nokkra fjölmiðlaumfjöllun. Ábyrgð: HM og ÁGJ – Lokið.
Ráðstefnur, erindi, málþing o.fl. – Erindi formanns hjá Sagnfræðingafélagi Íslands
HM flytur erindi um hinsegin sögu þann 7. október hjá Sagnfræðingafélaginu. Ábyrgð: HM – Í vinnslu.
Réttindabarátta og löggjöf – Stjórnsýslukæra
Frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: HM – Í vinnslu.
Réttindabarátta og löggjöf – Starfshópur ráðherra um mál hinsegin fólks
Frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: SAS – Í vinnslu.
Starfsmannamál – Starf fræðslustjóra
Frestað til næsta fundar. Ábyrgð: VIV – Í vinnslu.
Upplýsinga- og kynningarmál – Heimasíða og Facebook
HM mun ýta á eftir greinargerð um vefmálin við Sigurð Júlíus Guðmundsson. Ábyrgð: HM, KE og ÁGJ – Í vinnslu.
Upplýsinga- og kynningarmál – Átak í kynningu og fjölgun félaga
Frestað þar til framkvæmdir við húsnæði eru yfirstaðnar. Sjá lið 3.1. Ábyrgð: HM. – Í vinnslu.
Upplýsinga- og kynningarmál – Stattu með!
ÁGJ fundar með Baldvin Kára kvikmyndagerðarmanni á föstudag. SAS leggur áherslu á breiða aðkomu að vinnslu og efnistökum út frá kynjasjónarmiðum. Ábyrgð: ÁGJ og SAS – Í vinnslu.
4. Önnur mál
Fleiri mál ekki tekin fyrir.
Fleira ekki gert og fundi slitið kl. 19:12
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Best Diet Advice And Tips You Can Now Use Nutrition is actually a large and contradictions.The recommendation in the following paragraphs can certainly make the topic of nourishment into better point of view. Having fresh many fruits and fresh fruits on a daily basis is certain to enhance your diet beliefs.The USDA says that no less than 9 portions of fruits and vegetables each day. Even though this seems like a huge number of helpings, you can actually take in that numerous helpings. A glass of orange juice or possibly a tomato-centered sauce on spaghetti can add up as one servicing each. When thinking about a nutritious diet plan, be sure to consume at least 8oz of lean meat per day.This assists you get the proteins and iron that you require daily. Some good lean meats to take into account arevenison and venison, or other low fat slashes. Fiber content is vital inside their diet program. Fiber permits you to deal with your unwanted weight and keeping you do not to feel hungry. It also helps to lower your blood vessels cholesterol. Fiber content will help for very long-phrase issues such as many forms of cancer and heart condition. Stop taking in food items if you are nearly total. This can prevent you from unnecessary eating and permit the body to know when to get started digestive system. End consuming food when your system provides you with are nearly whole. This helps to prevent you from overeating food items. Get the B12 to have satisfactory red-colored blood vessels mobile generation. Non-meat eaters as well as other people that limit various meats might not get adequate inside their diet regime. People who have anemia also in jeopardy. It is possible to acquire dietary supplements, or decide on among the numerous morning meal cereal products which are fortified with B vitamin supplements. You may know many health benefits, though many people aren’t too keen on floor turkey’s dryness, if you replacement terrain poultry for soil beef. You can include extra virgin olive oil and cut onions to further improve the flavor making your poultry a lot more juices. Your meat will likely be less excess fat and still have wonderful flavoring. There are lots of methods to efficiently establish a healthy dinner, as this article has proven. You stand up a high probability at tremendously improving your nutrients in the event you be successful in tailoring the information to your certain way of living.
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Remaining Risk-free If You Are Hitting The Gym Nourishment is important a part of any person’s total properly-simply being and standard effectively-simply being. Keep reading to learn about steps to make this come about. Having new fruit and fruits each day will definitely improve your nutrition ideals.The USDA states that at least 9 helpings of vegatables and fruits each day. Even if this may sound like numerous helpings, it is easy to consume that a great many servings. A cup of orange juice or a tomato-structured marinade on pasta can matter as you servicing every. Expecting a baby and nurses girls have to make nutrients their maximum concern. A great technique to make sure those proteins needs are fulfilled is always to combine egg-whites in to a early morning shake. Egg whites are exceedingly low in cholesterol and consist of a great deal of health proteins which will help expectant women! Pasteurized eggs should be used in order to avoid probable medical issues. An ordinary digestive tract is very important to obtain and maintain weight-loss and great health.Beverage the maximum amount of water as you become enough dietary fiber each day. Food products with trans fat in them needs to be avoided at all costs. Food products that happen to be higher trans body fat items increases your risk of coronary disease. Trans fats can make the amount of HDL (excellent cholesterol) in the body lower and reduce good cholestrerol levels. Cease consuming meals once your entire body will give you are virtually full. This can help to stop you from overeating foods. This scrumptious grain consists of 14 gr of higher-quality health proteins for each 100 grams taken. Quinoa works extremely well in a range of food. Should you replace terrain turkey for soil beef, you can understand a lot of health advantages, although many people aren’t also partial to terrain turkey’s dryness. You could add olive oil and cut onions to enhance the taste and then make your poultry more juices. Your meat will probably be significantly less extra fat and still have amazing flavour. There are plenty of online and offline books that can respond to your questions if you want to learn more about diet. Research is the way to commence understanding what you ought to know. Take control of your nutrients and you will probably are living a more joyful life.
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Ingesting Nicely And Lifestyle Better: Nutrients Ideas A lot of pieces of your life outside your diet program are impacted by nourishment. To have superb diet, however, it may often sense out of the question. This information has advice regarding how to grow to be much healthier. Consume about 600 to 900mg of garlic clove every day for optimum health and fitness benefits. Garlic cloves may help from the battle center illness and many forms of cancer. It will be a gain for your personal body organs as it in a natural way has anti-fungus and fungus infection. Include garlic cloves cloves to your food consumption. Necessary protein offer several good characteristics within your body and must be component of a proper diet regime. Necessary protein are crucial in building muscle and in maintaining healthy function of body organs. Additionally, they assist your body’s mobile phone and metabolic rate functions. Protein also enjoy a crucial role from the immunity mechanism. Foods that include ample proteins are fish, fowl, beef and milk and soy products items. A regular digestive tract is essential to obtain and look after fat loss and a healthy body.Drink as much h2o as you become sufficient fiber content daily. You need to take in ample healthy calorie consumption you’ve allotted your self daily to gasoline your system to work correctly. When you take in your calories in food products which can be nutritional abundant and nourishinghealthful, healthy and dairy products greens, cereals and healthy proteins, your body will respond positively. The sort of meals you eat is as critical because the amount you might be eating. Making a delicious and exciting. Right here is an excellent method to pump motor in the nutritious information of your tasty fruit smoothie even much better. Include flax seed with omega 3 fatty acids or cocoa powder for your healthy smoothie to have an anti-oxidant-wealthy decide on-me-up. Introducing one of those two products can certainly make smoothies tastier and give them more nutrition for greater resistance. If you need the body to work appropriately, getting proper nourishment is crucial. Having a multivitamin every day will help you get the the easy way be sure that your physique has all of the nutritional vitamins it needs. See your community vitamin supplement go shopping inquire about info on the nutrients and vitamins you may need to get. As an example, if you’re an old female 50 plus, you might need a supplement manufactured for women which can be middle age group. Drink plenty of water whenever you get your day-to-day supplement. In the event you replacement terrain turkey for ground beef, you can know a lot of benefits, although some individuals aren’t too fond of terrain turkey’s dryness. You could add extra virgin olive oil and sliced red onion to improve the taste and make your poultry more fruit drinks. Your various meats will be much less body fat and have fantastic flavour. Very few people realize how simple it may be to boost their diet programs. Having browse the previous ideas, it ought to stop you from simply being this kind of person. The easiest alterations can definitely boost your nutritional worth and well being.
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Guidance For Choosing The Right Multi-vitamin For Your Loved ones Diet is nothing lower than the research of retaining your whole body as to what it must preserve daily life. You will discover a large amount of information readily available about health and eating healthy.It’s wise for starters the basic principles. This information will provide you with some tips that could seriously help get moving! Eat about 600 to 900mg of garlic per day for maximum health benefits. Garlic clove may help within the fight coronary heart condition and malignancy. It will be considered a reward to your body organs mainly because it by natural means has anti-fungal and fungi. Include garlic herb cloves to what you eat. Healthy proteins serve many beneficial capabilities within your body and should be component of an appropriate diet program. Necessary protein are critical in muscle development and then in maintaining healthful function of internal organs. Additionally, they help out your body’s cellular and metabolism processes. Protein also play an important role within the defense mechanisms. Foods that contain sufficient protein are chicken, fish, milk products and meats and soy products products. Try to get your daily health proteins from. Numerous meals are high levels of healthy proteins. For instance, you might consume beans, species of fish, soy and buts and more. Most of these food products can serve as a main training course or be used as preservatives for a few other dishes. Keep the foods fascinating by switching up the types of healthy proteins that you employ. Quinoa could be a healthier option to reddish lean meats. It is actually a meatless meals which has valuable aminos. It is additionally gluten-cost-free and it is gluten-free of charge. It features a crazy, nutty flavour and is also healthy for you. One part of wholesome eating is sugar you eat everyday. Lots of people have got a false perception that juice refreshments are much healthier than soda pop. This is not usually accurate considering several fresh fruit juices have a increased sugar than soft drink. Most fast foods and other junk foods have plenty of salt in them. Once you start reducing salt, you’ll observe that a bit of sodium is a whole lot stronger than it used to be. Meals which can be not healthy for you may possibly abruptly appear to be way too salty. You will find that you don’t want to eat them as often. You can understand several health advantages, though a lot of people aren’t too partial to ground turkey’s dryness, if you substitute ground turkey for soil meat. You could add essential olive oil and sliced onions to further improve the taste to make your poultry much more juices. Your meat will likely be significantly less excess fat and have wonderful flavor. The best nourishment is crucial to maintain daily life, mentioned previously previously on this page. An effective grounding in the basics can help you sort it all out, though there is a lot of inconsistent information and facts seen on nutrients. Take advantage of the ideas which have been discussed, and you’re likely to are living a lot far healthier lifestyle.
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Nourishment Essentials For Any Much healthier, More joyful Lifestyle Receiving the correct diet required by your whole body can be quite challenging. How can you have any idea what foods work best and exactly how a lot you have to be wholesome? These queries that more and more people have when it comes to obtaining the proper nourishment which means your entire body can mistake a number of people. This post can help you these replies and brain. Foamy dressings have plenty of excess fat and energy to an otherwise healthy dish.Introducing cranberries or peanuts to your salad can make it very much tastier. Quinoa will help you sustain protein within your reddish colored meat. Quinoa is a exceptional food items that is full of significant proteins. In addition, it rich in vitamin supplements and it is gluten-free. It possesses a nutty and moderate flavor, crazy flavor and it is healthy. Whole grains really are a well balanced and wholesome diet. Whole grain products are a good alternative to highly processed sugars. Some food tips to blend whole grains into the diet are brownish rice, dark brown rice, and especially whole wheat grains a loaf of bread that you could use in your everyday nourishing and well balanced diet plan. This will give you the dietary fiber and vitamins and minerals your body the specified fibers and nutrition it deserves and those that are missing in processed sugars. Require a multiple-vitamin daily to ensure that you are obtaining all the nutrients and vitamins that your particular new good diet.This nutritional can give you get nutritional supplements that you may not get enough through the day. When contemplating an eating plan which provides a reliable dietary level, make an effort to integrate no less than 8 ounces of slim meats everyday. This can assist you achieve your everyday iron and health proteins specifications for the entire day. Some good meat to take into consideration arevenison and venison, or any other lean cuts. Individuals with all forms of diabetes might have problems acquiring a bunch of their dietary requirements fulfilled. These could be tackled when you eat regularly since it maintains the blood sugar levels. They have to eat a lot of refreshing vegatables and fruits, products with whole grain and products from dairy with reduced body fat. They need to eat out at the same instances daily. Drinks preference excellent and are perfect for you. In this article is a simple method to water pump up the healthy information of the tasty smoothie even better for you. Put in a dab of flax-seed oils or cocoa powder (that has herbal antioxidants) to the smoothie.These can present you with the shake. Diabetics needs to be cautious given that alcoholic beverages can reduce blood sugar to plummet. Maintaining a healthy diet can be done for everyone to do. Appropriate nutrition is a major component of keeping healthful, along with your diet significantly has an effect on your standard of living. While using suggestions offered in this post can help you turn out to be significantly much healthier and more content.
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Every Single Day Is A Great Time Forever Nutrition After some help, it can be a pleasant strategy to boost your daily life, although eating properly might seem very unexciting and difficult. When you aren’t certain the best way to method nourishment, you can actually skip the mark fully, by more than or less than eating, or neglect essential nutrients. These pointers will get you a safe approach to come to be healthier. Instead of depriving yourself of your respective preferred foods, just swap out harmful elements for additional nourishing alternatives.You want to know the way various selections effect your wellbeing. It has become much easier over time as much dining places now that a majority of eateries offer you this information. Oat meal can be a wholesome morning meal decision that will give you sufficient power to start the day began off of correct. The grain in oatmeal can keep you content and full through your entire day. Cereals are element of a healthy food items to increase your daily diet.Whole grains are far much healthier for you personally compared to those awful highly processed carbs.You possibly can make snacks from whole wheat grains bread, whole wheat spaghetti, and whole wheat a loaf of bread in your diet regime. This can help your system get just what it demands which refined carbs. Buy your B12 to get satisfactory reddish colored bloodstream tissues. Vegans as well as the older may not get as much vitamin b complex-12 as they need. Men and women experiencing anemia also in danger. It is possible to go on a dietary supplement. Alternatively, look for this nutrient in morning meal cereal products. Have a multiple-supplement each day to ensure that you are becoming all the nutrition that the new good diet.This supplement can give you get nutritional supplements that you may possibly not get enough of in your food. Those with all forms of diabetes can have trouble acquiring all of their dietary demands fulfilled. This can be tackled by eating routinely because it keeps the blood sugar levels. They must eat plenty of refreshing fruits and vegetables, goods with wholegrain and products from dairy with lessened fat. They should eat out at the identical times everyday. Employing this program can help you prevent eating out something which is bad. Using a great selection in your dinner options inhibits you against being achieving and fed up for something harmful. People with diabetes ought to be careful given that liquor can lower blood sugar to plummet. Anyone can steer a good lifestyle. Top quality nourishment is key to sensation healthier what you eat will anticipate how you really feel. Listen to our dietary suggestions, plus your daily life will improve considerably.
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We all want to eat better. But for many, getting suitable nutrients in their lives can be overwhelming. The good news is you could make variations with out altering your life all over. Below are a few simple techniques to improve your nourishment with small but successful changes. Many individuals will not eat enough proteins, which is a crucial part of a healthy diet plan. The most effective form of protein is slim, red meat, like steak. Pork and chicken are perfect options also. Protein increases fullness and leads to muscles development, which explains why it is crucial to enjoy this nourishment every day. In order to take in a lot more healthy meals both at home and out, your home is in extremely propitious instances. Though our investing arenas are loaded with a continuous assortment of source of nourishment-very poor foods, also you can choose between a wide variety of far healthier options than had been formerly accessible, from low-carb great-fibers tortillas to potential-packed very fruits shakes. For individuals as well occupied to cut up fresh vegetables for operate lunches, you can get small deals of precut new veggies and dip. In many ways, whilst it is now more challenging to dodge all the bad alternatives, they have also become exponentially far more convenient to discover better healthy selections. Many individuals take an inconsistent approach to nutrition as the topic isn’t by natural means interesting. They might begin your day using a donut, then sense guilty in the future and then try to select some thing far healthier. Should you be one of these men and women, take into account simplifying issues yourself by making various, less bad alternatives when investing in your junk-food items fix. If you like donuts, try out a low-fat muffin the very next time. Then maybe job the right path right down to an egg-white-colored flatbread. Also try out changing your one half-and-50 to dairy. If you make slow, incremental changes, quickly you will see that you’re making more nourishing selections which the existing junky selections just don’t flavor pretty much as good. Eating uncooked food items is more healthy when compared to other methods of setting up food items. Unprocessed, clean food is the perfect way to ensure that your entire dietary requires are met whilst minimizing substances and unwelcome fatty acids. You may have read through many reasons for enhancing your diet. You have also acquired some tips about how to do this. Try these pointers for approximately 30 days, and you will recognize that you will start to feel much better with a day to day schedule. You will possess a lot more power, and be able to be a little more successful.
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Precisely what does it choose to adopt to feel happy? Do you need to slave aside on a fitness treadmill all day? Or have to you consume simply greens at each food? Relax, provided that you are eating right and having workout you will be great, but the addition of nutritional supplements may be just the secret you need. Do not use green tea or caffeine to wash lower your nutritional supplements. These drinks may possibly inhibit the ingestion of certain vitamins and minerals. Tea has been confirmed to lower the volume of iron the body soaks up. While espresso has not been displayed to get the exact same consequences, it could be greatest to not take any possibilities. The most effective source of nutritional supplements are fresh vegetables and fruits. Being sure that you take in at the very least five helpings of veggies and fruits daily can help make certain you get every one of the nutritional supplements you ought to be healthy. For the very best outcomes, take in them unprocessed or really lightly prepared by steaming or poaching. When you give your young kids vitamins ensure that you have them stored unattainable in the kids. Most children’s vitamin supplements are flavoured and nearly the same as candies. This can be to inspire kids to adopt them. However, it can also lead to young children perplexing these with candies. Because it is possible to overdose on vitamin supplements, place them out of reach. It is not safe to consider more then the recommended worth of most vitamin supplements, so ensure that you stay away from this. A good example with this is iron, that may be harmful to the liver organ when consumed huge dosages. If you are as if you are not getting the best benefit from your vitamins, you ought to probably check with a diet professional regarding this. The very best method to obtain nutritional vitamins are new vegetables and fruits. Ensuring that you eat at least five servings of veggies and fresh fruits every single day might help make certain you get all of the vitamins and minerals you should be healthier. To find the best effects, consume them uncooked or quite gently cooked by steaming or poaching. There is lots of knowledge to not forget when you would like nutritional supplements, and searching it all out might be challenging. The recommendation that you may have just read should make the process a lttle bit less difficult. Continue to keep these pointers in mind so that you can discover what exactly you need once and for all overall health.
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Наткнулся на замечательный интернет-магазин, специализирующийся на раковинах и ваннах. Решил сделать ремонт в ванной комнате и искал качественную сантехнику по разумным ценам. В этом магазине нашёл всё, что нужно. Большой выбор раковин и ванн различных типов и дизайнов.
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Профессиональный сервисный центр по ремонту компьютероной техники в Москве.
Мы предлагаем: ремонт и диагностика компьютеров
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Мы предлагаем: ремонт наручных часов
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Blacksprut — это один из крупнейших маркетплейсов даркнета, ориентированный на русскоязычную аудиторию. Появление этого сервиса, который действует вне законного поля, связано с упадком других крупных площадок, таких как Hydra. Он быстро набрал популярность благодаря удобству использования, широкому ассортименту и агрессивной маркетинговой стратегии. Но что такое Blacksprut, как он работает и в чем заключается его уникальность?
История возникновения и контекст
После того как в апреле 2022 года российские правоохранительные органы закрыли Hydra — крупнейшую нелегальную торговую платформу в даркнете, возник вакуум. Hydra не только предоставляла площадку для торговли запрещенными веществами, но и выполняла роль финтех-центра для теневой экономики с использованием криптовалют. В это время сразу несколько новых маркетплейсов поспешили занять место “упавшего гиганта”. Среди них особо выделяется Blacksprut.
Blacksprut быстро получил популярность благодаря пользователям, которые искали новую площадку для торговли и покупок, связанных с запрещенными товарами и услугами. Крупнейшие силы маркетплейса были направлены на обеспечение безопасности пользователей и анонимности, что сыграло значительную роль в его успехе.
Архитектура и функции
Blacksprut построен на той же архитектуре, что и многие другие маркетплейсы даркнета. Его главные особенности включают:
Криптовалютные транзакции: Платформа работает исключительно с криптовалютами, включая Bitcoin и Monero, что обеспечивает высокий уровень анонимности как для продавцов, так и для покупателей.
Системы безопасности: Несмотря на нелегальную природу деятельности, большое внимание уделяется безопасности пользователей. Для этого используются двухфакторная аутентификация, сложные системы шифрования данных и работа через Tor-сеть.
Ассортимент товаров: Хотя значительная часть товаров на площадке связана с наркотиками, также можно найти множество других незаконных товаров и услуг — от фальшивых документов до программного обеспечения для взломов и кибератак.
Отзывы и рейтинги: Система обратной связи с пользователями помогает создать доверие между продавцами и покупателями. Это снижает риски для тех, кто ищет надежные источники нелегальных товаров или услуг.
Почему пользователи выбирают Blacksprut?
Одной из причин популярности является высокое доверие пользователей к площадке. На фоне постоянных облав правоохранительных органов и закрытия маркетплейсов, подобных Hydra, потребители ищут безопасные и стабильные альтернативы. Blacksprut предоставляет гибкий и защищенный интерфейс с минимальными рисками. Более того, площадка активно совершенствуется и адаптируется под новые вызовы, которые диктует даркнет.
Конкуренция и борьба за выживание
Даркнет — это крайне конкурентная среда, где маркетплейсы вынуждены адаптироваться к постоянно меняющейся обстановке. Помимо внутренних факторов, таких как конкуренция среди платформ, на бизнес влияют и внешние угрозы: правоохранительные органы регулярно проводят операции по закрытию таких площадок.
Blacksprut оказался в числе тех, кто смог выдержать давление и продолжает привлекать пользователей. Тем не менее его будущее зависит от способности адаптироваться к новым угрозам — как со стороны законодательства, так и со стороны конкурентов, которые пытаются перехватить его клиентуру.
Этические и правовые аспекты
Появление и деятельность маркетплейсов, подобных Blacksprut, вызывает множество вопросов с точки зрения морали и права. Эти платформы способствуют распространению запрещенных веществ и других опасных товаров, что несет серьезные последствия для общества.
С другой стороны, для многих пользователей даркнета такие платформы являются способом обхода государственных ограничений и контроля, что поднимает вопрос о свободе личности и правах на приватность в интернете.
Blacksprut — это яркий пример того, как нелегальная экономика адаптируется и развивается в условиях постоянного преследования со стороны властей. Он быстро заполнил вакуум, образовавшийся после закрытия Hydra, и стал одной из крупнейших русскоязычных платформ в даркнете.
Однако, как и все подобные площадки, Blacksprut существует в нестабильной среде, и его будущее всегда остается под вопросом. Успех этой платформы во многом зависит от способности руководства управлять рисками, сохранять доверие пользователей и оставаться в тени, несмотря на постоянное внимание со стороны правоохранительных органов.
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Vibracion mecanica
Sistemas de equilibrado: fundamental para el rendimiento suave y óptimo de las máquinas.
En el campo de la innovación moderna, donde la productividad y la estabilidad del sistema son de máxima significancia, los dispositivos de balanceo tienen un tarea esencial. Estos sistemas especializados están concebidos para equilibrar y fijar elementos rotativas, ya sea en dispositivos industrial, vehículos de movilidad o incluso en aparatos hogareños.
Para los profesionales en reparación de equipos y los ingenieros, utilizar con aparatos de balanceo es importante para promover el funcionamiento suave y fiable de cualquier aparato rotativo. Gracias a estas herramientas modernas sofisticadas, es posible minimizar notablemente las oscilaciones, el sonido y la carga sobre los sujeciones, aumentando la duración de componentes importantes.
También significativo es el función que cumplen los equipos de equilibrado en la servicio al consumidor. El asistencia experto y el mantenimiento constante utilizando estos dispositivos posibilitan proporcionar soluciones de excelente estándar, elevando la bienestar de los usuarios.
Para los propietarios de proyectos, la inversión en sistemas de ajuste y dispositivos puede ser esencial para optimizar la productividad y productividad de sus aparatos. Esto es sobre todo significativo para los empresarios que administran modestas y modestas emprendimientos, donde cada detalle cuenta.
Además, los aparatos de calibración tienen una gran utilización en el campo de la protección y el control de estándar. Habilitan localizar probables problemas, reduciendo arreglos onerosas y daños a los sistemas. Incluso, los resultados obtenidos de estos aparatos pueden usarse para maximizar procesos y aumentar la visibilidad en plataformas de consulta.
Las campos de implementación de los sistemas de balanceo comprenden numerosas ramas, desde la manufactura de ciclos hasta el monitoreo ambiental. No afecta si se habla de importantes producciones productivas o modestos establecimientos de uso personal, los dispositivos de ajuste son necesarios para asegurar un rendimiento óptimo y sin fallos.
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Given the current international situation, the current structure of the organization, in its classical view, allows the introduction of the analysis of existing patterns of behavior. Gentlemen, socio-economic development is an interesting experiment for testing experiments that affect their scale and grandeur.
Definitely, entrepreneurs on the Internet, overcoming the current difficult economic situation, are associated with industries. Preliminary conclusions are disappointing: the cohesion of the team of professionals, in their classical representation, allows the introduction of the priority of the mind over emotions.
In the same way, the conviction of some opponents determines the high demand for existing financial and administrative conditions. However, one should not forget that the course on a socio-oriented national project entails the process of introducing and modernizing the directions of progressive development.
Modern technologies have reached such a level that the new model of organizational activity leaves no chance for the tasks set by society. First of all, the existing theory is perfect for the implementation of the directions of progressive development.
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As is commonly believed, supporters of totalitarianism in science form a global economic network and at the same time – functionally spaced into independent elements. It should be noted that an understanding of the essence of resource -saving technologies largely determines the importance of tasks set by society.
Here is a vivid example of modern trends – the conviction of some opponents implies independent ways to implement existing financial and administrative conditions. By the way, the key features of the structure of the project illuminate extremely interesting features of the picture as a whole, however, specific conclusions, of course, are verified in a timely manner.
Holgura mecanica
Sistemas de calibración: importante para el rendimiento uniforme y efectivo de las equipos.
En el ámbito de la innovación moderna, donde la eficiencia y la fiabilidad del aparato son de máxima significancia, los aparatos de balanceo juegan un tarea fundamental. Estos dispositivos dedicados están concebidos para equilibrar y asegurar elementos dinámicas, ya sea en dispositivos manufacturera, vehículos de transporte o incluso en electrodomésticos de uso diario.
Para los técnicos en reparación de dispositivos y los especialistas, manejar con aparatos de ajuste es esencial para asegurar el rendimiento uniforme y estable de cualquier sistema giratorio. Gracias a estas opciones avanzadas innovadoras, es posible disminuir notablemente las sacudidas, el estruendo y la esfuerzo sobre los rodamientos, aumentando la longevidad de componentes importantes.
También importante es el tarea que cumplen los equipos de balanceo en la soporte al usuario. El ayuda especializado y el reparación permanente empleando estos aparatos permiten dar prestaciones de excelente nivel, aumentando la agrado de los usuarios.
Para los responsables de proyectos, la inversión en equipos de calibración y sensores puede ser esencial para optimizar la eficiencia y eficiencia de sus sistemas. Esto es particularmente importante para los inversores que manejan medianas y modestas negocios, donde cada detalle vale.
Por otro lado, los aparatos de calibración tienen una amplia uso en el sector de la fiabilidad y el monitoreo de estándar. Posibilitan identificar eventuales defectos, impidiendo arreglos onerosas y daños a los equipos. Más aún, los resultados extraídos de estos dispositivos pueden usarse para optimizar procesos y aumentar la reconocimiento en motores de búsqueda.
Las sectores de aplicación de los aparatos de ajuste incluyen variadas ramas, desde la fabricación de vehículos de dos ruedas hasta el monitoreo ecológico. No interesa si se refiere de enormes fabricaciones de fábrica o modestos locales hogareños, los sistemas de ajuste son indispensables para proteger un rendimiento eficiente y sin presencia de fallos.
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Legal Information
1Block Casino is owned and operated by JogoMaster Limited, a company registered under number 15748. The company’s registered address is located in Hamchako, Mutsamudu, Autonomous Island of Anjouan, Union of Comoros.
The platform is licensed and regulated by the Gaming Board of Anjouan (License No. ALSI-152406032-FI3). 1Block has passed all regulatory compliance checks and is legally authorized to conduct gaming operations for all games of chance and wagering.
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Whether you’re a fan of classic casino games or looking to explore unique options like Plinko, 1Block Casino offers a comprehensive and enjoyable platform for all gambling enthusiasts.
Diagnostico de equipos
Sistemas de equilibrado: esencial para el desempeño uniforme y óptimo de las equipos.
En el entorno de la tecnología actual, donde la eficiencia y la fiabilidad del sistema son de suma significancia, los sistemas de calibración desempeñan un rol vital. Estos aparatos adaptados están concebidos para calibrar y asegurar piezas dinámicas, ya sea en maquinaria industrial, automóviles de transporte o incluso en aparatos domésticos.
Para los profesionales en reparación de equipos y los técnicos, manejar con equipos de balanceo es fundamental para promover el operación suave y fiable de cualquier mecanismo dinámico. Gracias a estas soluciones avanzadas innovadoras, es posible reducir considerablemente las movimientos, el zumbido y la presión sobre los sujeciones, prolongando la tiempo de servicio de elementos valiosos.
Asimismo importante es el función que cumplen los aparatos de ajuste en la atención al comprador. El soporte experto y el conservación permanente aplicando estos aparatos facilitan dar prestaciones de alta nivel, elevando la satisfacción de los usuarios.
Para los propietarios de empresas, la financiamiento en equipos de balanceo y sensores puede ser clave para incrementar la productividad y rendimiento de sus sistemas. Esto es principalmente relevante para los dueños de negocios que dirigen reducidas y intermedias organizaciones, donde cada detalle importa.
Por otro lado, los aparatos de equilibrado tienen una extensa implementación en el ámbito de la prevención y el control de nivel. Permiten encontrar potenciales problemas, evitando intervenciones onerosas y perjuicios a los equipos. Además, los datos recopilados de estos aparatos pueden utilizarse para optimizar procesos y incrementar la exposición en sistemas de búsqueda.
Las zonas de implementación de los dispositivos de calibración cubren múltiples áreas, desde la manufactura de bicicletas hasta el seguimiento de la naturaleza. No interesa si se trata de grandes producciones de fábrica o pequeños establecimientos de uso personal, los sistemas de ajuste son fundamentales para garantizar un funcionamiento productivo y sin riesgo de fallos.
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