Samtökin ‘78, The National Queer Organization, is an interest and an activist group for lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, transgender and intersex people in Iceland. The organisation’s goal is for LGBTQIA people to be visible and recognised and enjoy their rights to the fullest in Icelandic society.


Community Center

Samtökin ‘78 runs a community centre in downtown Reykjavík, located on Suðurgata 3 and open for all. The office is usually open on workdays between 13 – 16 with occational exceptions.

Want to know more? For more information, call Samtökin ‘78 at +354 552-7878 or send an email to


Thursday nights are 'open house'

Everybody is very welcome to join us on a open house night on Thursdays (from 20-23 o´clock). Whether you are queer, not queer, not sure, new, old, a friend, a family member, if you come alone or in a group, we will welcome you!

Check out our social events.

Good access for wheelchair users.



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