General Meeting on June 1st

The board of Samtökin ‘78 has called a general meeting this coming June 1st at 8 pm at Suðurgata 3. At the meeting, members of the organization will have the opportunity to help shape the work of the coming months and join committees and working groups. Coffee provided and all are welcome – both old faces and new!

The general meeting is intended to foster an active conversation between the board and members of the organization. The board and advisory board will present their operational plan to the meeting (scroll down in the PDF for English) and discuss the main objectives and projects of the coming months. Included are also the board and advisory board's suggestions for several committees and working groups. Some are already in operation, others are new. If you have an idea for a committee or group, feel free to share them with us via email at

If you would like to join a working group or committee but won't be able to attend the meeting, please email

Meeting Schedule
  1. 8:00 pm Operational plan – presentation and discussion
  2. 8:30 pm Presentation of committees and working groups. Sign-ups for interested members.
  3. 8:45 pm Discussion in committees and working groups.
Committees and working groups

It is not necessary for all of these entities to be active in the current year. Other suggestions are also always welcome.

  1. Anniversary Committee
    The Anniversary Committee is charged with organizing and executing a 40-year anniversary celebration for Samtökin ‘78 in 2018. It will work closely with other, specialized committees and working groups.

  2. Publication and Web Committee
    The committee supervises publication matters and updates published materials, including print and online media. Is also responsible for reviewing the accessibility of information with respect to disability, language skills, etc.

  3. Social Committee
    Organizes larger events like the Christmas Bingo, balls and the S78 presence in the Pride parade

  4. Working Group on Sex, Sexual Freedom and BDSM
    This working group was established in summer 2016. Two projects are already on this group’s desk:
    – A sexual health campaign in collaboration with HIV Iceland and others
    – The creation of inclusive, queer-friendly sex education materials in collaboration with the Educational Officer, Publication Committee, affiliate organizations and outside professionals

  5. Working Group on Queer Aging
    This working group was established in fall 2016. It will continue working according to Samtökin’s objectives on to queer aging, which were approved at the 2017 Annual Meeting.

  6. Working Group for Queer People of Foreign Origin
    Preparations for such a group are underway, supervised by Andrés Pelaez and Todd Kulczyk.

  7. Support Group for Asylum Seekers and Refugees
    Many people have expressed interest in participating in such work, but coordination and supervision have been lacking.

  8. Arts and Cultural Committee
    A clear call for the establishment of such a committee came out of Samtakamátturinn 2017.


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