By 18. ágúst, 2008Fréttir

Dagana 4. – 7. september n.k. verður haldin norræn sexólógíuráðstefna á Grand Hótel á vegum Kynfræðifélags Íslands. Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku og er dagskrá hennar eins og hér segir:

Dagana 4. – 7. september n.k. verður haldin norræn sexólógíuráðstefna á Grand Hótel á vegum Kynfræðifélags Íslands.  Ráðstefnugestum býðst að kaupa dagpassa á einstaka daga. Dagpassi (daggjald) er 10 þús íslenskar á heilan dag og er hádegismatur innifalin. Heilir dagar eru föstudagur 5. sept. og laugardagur 6. sept. Hálft daggjald er 5 þús. og hægt að kaupa slíkan sunnudaginn 7. sept. Ef fólk vill koma á vinnusmiðju Sólveigar kostar það 7.800 (fimmtudagur 4.
sept. frá kl. 13-16) og ef fólk langar í Bláa lóns ferðina þarf að skrá sig sérstaklega í hana svo og hátíðarkvöldverðinn á laugardagskvöldið. Til að skrá sig verður fólk að senda tölvupóst til og tilgreina hvaða dag það ætlar að koma og þá mun ráðstefnuskrifstofan, sem einnig veitir aðrar upplýsingar, útbúa reikning. Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku og er dagskrá hennar eins og hér segir:

Thursday, sept.4th
9:00-12:00 Registration.
10:00-12:00 NACSES meeting (attended by NACSES group members).
13:00-16:00 Pre-conference workshop: Ethics in professional sexology practice.
Dr. Sólveig Anna Bóasdóttir.
17:00-18:30 NACSAC meeting (attended by NACSAC group members).
18:00-19:30 Welcome reception. Grand Hotel, Reykjavík. Welcome speech:
Matthías Halldórsson, Deputy Medical Director of Health in, Directorate of Health in Iceland.

Friday, sept.5th
9:00-12:00 Arrival, registration.
8:00-10:00 WAS 2009 scientific meeting (attended by WAS organizers).
10:15-12:00 NACS board meeting (attended by national presidents).
12:00-13:00   Lunch.
13:00-13:10   Jóna Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir, Chair of the Icelandic Sexology Association,
                       Iceland. Opening of the conference.
13:10-14.00  Ásgeir Helgason, Iceland/Sweden: Opening lecture
“Waning orgasm pleasure after radical treatment for localized prostate cancer and impacts on quality of life – Data from a population based study”
14:00-16:00   Sessions
14:00-14:30   Sóley S. Bender, Iceland & Yvonne K. Fulbright, USA/Iceland 
                      “From Policy Making to an Action Plan of Youth Sexual Health”
14:30-14:45   Coffee break
14:45-15:15    Kaj Haldre et al, Estonia
             “Teenage girls’ sexual health in Estonia”
15:15-15:45 Sigurlaug Hauksdóttir, Iceland
  “Sex isn´t a joke – sex-education that mothers give to their youth” 

cont. Friday, sept.5th
14:00-16:00   Parallel sessions                     
14:00-14:30   Marianne Klinke et al, Iceland
  “Sexuality post stroke: Findings of a systematic review of the literature
14:30-14:45    Coffee break
14:45-15:15 Ann Cristine Andersen Arnten, Sweden
  “The impact of work-related stress and other factors on the sexual
                        relation quality of the couple.”
15:15-15:45    Kadri Soo and Agnes Alvela, Estonia
            “Sexual violence in prison and detection of violent incidents in Estonia.”
15:45-16:15 Coffee break.
16:15- 17.15 National meetings.
18:00-21:30 Blue Lagoon tour with light dinner.

Saturday, sept.6th
9:00-9:45 Osmo Kontula, Finland
  “Sex research tradition in Finland 1971 – 2007”.

9:45-10:05 Coffee break.
10:05-11:05 Sessions.
10:05-10:35   Lars-Gösta Dahlöf, Sweden.
                      “Thirty years of sexual health education and training for the clinician –
                       any change to the better? A Swedish perspective.”
10:35-11:05    Sven-Axel Månsson and Lotta Löfgren-Mårtenson, Sweden
             “The relationship between theory, practice and research.” 
11:05-11:15 Short break.

11:15-12:00    Sessions.
11:15-11:40 Katri Ryttyläinen et al, Finland
“Building new professional sexual health promotion and capacity in Finland.”
11:40-12:00 Maija Ritamo, Finland
  “Sexual counsellors in focus.”
cont.Saturday, sept.6th
Parallel sessions
10:05-10:35  Elsa Almås,  Norway
                       “Research on sexological treatment.”
10:34-11:05  Katri Kyttyläinen, Finland.
                “Needs for competence in sexual health promotion in Finland.”

12:00-13:15 Lunch

13:15-14:00     Sessions.
13:15-13:40 Jóna I. Jónsdóttir and Sóley Bender, Iceland
  “Developing a master program in sexology in Iceland.”
13:40-14:00    Löfgren-Mårtenson, L, and Månsson, S-A, Sweden
             “The master student in sexology  – a pilot study at Malmö University.”
13:15-14:00    Parallel sessions
13:15-13:40     Yvonne K. Fulbright, USA/Iceland
                        “Parent-Child Sex Communication: Findings from Iceland and
13:40-14:00     Guðbjörg E. Hermannsdóttir, Iceland.
                         “Sexual and reproductive health of men between 18 and 24 in Iceland.”             

14:00-14:10 Short break.

14:10-15:10 Sessions.
14:10-14:40 Tommi Paalanen, Finland
         “Designing ethical basis for modern sexology”.
14:40-15:10 Birgitte Schantz Laursen et al, Denmark,
                    “Sexuality: a vulnerable dimension in life – the influence of chronic non     
                      malignant pain on women’s sexuality.”
Parallel sessions

14:10-14:40 Jörgen Buttenschön, Danmark
          “The sexual instructor- training course in Denmark and Norway”.
14:40-15:10  María Jónsdóttir, Iceland.
                      “Meeting the needs.”
cont.Saturday, sept.6th
15:10-15:30 Coffee break.

15:10-15:30 Poster session: Ester Väljaots, Estonia
“Creative way of taking the anamnesis; healing process”.

15:30-15:35 Tone Maria Hansen and Mikael Bjerkeli:
World Assoc.for transgender health (WAPH) symposium, Oslo, 2009.

15:35-16:25 Sessions
15:35-16:00 Elsa Almås, Norway
  “Motives for sexual activity. Changes in the Norwegian population
                         over three decades.”
16:00-16:25 Esben Esther P. Benestad et al, Norway
  ”The importance of different activities in order to be satisfied with    
                         daily living.”
15:35-16:25 Parallel sessions
15:35-16:00 Sóley S. Bender, Iceland & Yvonne K. Fulbright, USA/Iceland
                     “Sexual and Reproductive Health Services for Youth: A Global       
16:00-16:25 Kjartan Ólafsson, Iceland:
                   “The Positive Side of Making Love.”
16:25-16:35 Short break.

16:35-18:30 NACS annual meeting.
20:00 Banquet at Hótel Borg, the Golden Room.
Toast master: Óttar Guðmundsson, psychiatrist.

Sunday, sept.7th
9:30-9:50 Prize award winning short film “Wrestlers” (“Bræðrarbylta, 20. min., 2007) A love story about two gay wrestlers living in rural Iceland who must keep their relationship a secret from the inner world of Iceland’s national and very macho sport. Writer and film director: Grímur Hákonarson.
9:50-10:15   Coffee break.
cont. Sunday, sept.7th
10:15-11:30  Sessions.
10:15-10:45   Kolbrún Gunnarsdóttir, Iceland.
10:45:11:15   Óttar Guðmundsson, Iceland.
                       “Sex and sexuality in the Icelandic Sagas and Nordic mythology.”

11:15-11:30 Short break.
11:30-11:55 Presentation – WAS 2009 in Gothenburg.
11:55-12:00 Final remarks –closing of conference.



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