The Election Committee Calls for Candidates

By 6. febrúar, 2017Uncategorized

The next annual general meeting of Samtökin ‘78 will be held on the 18th of March, during which elections will be held for both the board and advisory council. The meeting will be held at Samtökin ‘78, Suðurgata 3, 101 Reykjavík. All registered members who have renewed their memberships (paid fees for 2017) are welcome to take part in the meeting. To register as a member of Samtökin ‘78 please click here.

The election committee of Samtökin ‘78 calls for candidates for positions on the board, advisory council and auditors, as well as suggestions of possible candidates. Candidates are asked to state which position they wish to run for, as well as an alternative position, if they so wish (further information below).

The following positions make up the board of Samtökin ‘78: president, vice president, international secretariat, secretary, treasurer, board member, board member.

The advisory council is made up of 10 people, a chair and board observer is chosen after the annual general meeting.

We kindly ask all candidates to answer the following questions:

1. Questions for all candidates

1.1 Name and age

1.2 Past experience (e.g. education, work, volunteer work etc)

1.3 A short summary on your current situation and experience (e.g. family, hobbies and anything else that the candidate would like to state)

1.4 Past work/projects at Samtökin ‘78

2. Questions for candidates seeking board positions

2.1 What is your view on Samtökin ‘78 and the work the organisation has been involved in in the past few years?

2.2 What is your vision for the future of Samtökin ‘78 and in which field/s do you think you will most be able to contribute? (What projects should be focussed on, where do your interests lie within Samtökin ‘78, what actions must be taken etc)

3. Questions for candidates seeking advisory council positions

3.1 What do you think the advisory council should put an emphasis on in the coming year, and how will your strengths benefit the council and Samtökin ‘78? (e.g. projects, actions etc.)


3.2 Other information that you would like to share


According to article 3.3 in the laws of Samtökin ‘78 a candidate can run for an alternate position if they are not successful with their first choice. Candidates are asked to send in the positions they wish to run for as well as alternative positions, is they so wish. We ask that they be sent via email to kjornefnd@samtokin78.isno later than the 4th of March.

To help ensure a diverse group of candidates, which reflects the diverse members of Samtökin ‘78, the election committee would especially like to encourage members of all ages, ethnicities, origins, abilities and education backgrounds to run for the upcoming elections.

The election committee members are:

• Alexander Björn Gunnarsson

• Ásta Ósk Hlöðversdóttir

• Svandís Anna Sigurðardóttir

Further information about the board and advisory council of Samtökin ‘78, and their work, can be found (in Icelandic) in the Samtökin ‘78 laws, or by contacting the election committee (



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