Ungliðar Youth Group‘s First General Assembly

By 17. ágúst, 2010Fréttir
Ungliðar Youth Group‘s First General Assembly

Ungliðar‘s first General Assembling will be held at „Hitt Húsið“, Sunday the 22nd of August at 2pm. The goal of this meeting is to found Ungliðar as a formal organization, create laws for the new organization and elect new board members.

The seats for the following positions will be voted on: President, Vice President, Secretary and Communication and International Representative. To run for President you need to have reached the age of 16. The election deadline is half an hour before the elections on the General Meeting. To be able to run for positions or vote you‘re required to be queer and 20 years old or younger. Current board member‘s suggestions concerning laws and new board member roles will be presented before the General Assembling. The meeting is open to whoever may be interested.

Program for the first General Assembling of Ungliðahreyfing Samtakanna’78
1.      Current board members’ speech
2.      New laws explained
3.      New board member positions explained
4.      Meeting procedures explained

The Formal Program of the General Assembly starts
5.      Chairman and Secretary appointed
6.      Former Board Member’s Report
7.      Ungliðahreyfing Samtakanna’78’s Financial Report
8.      Next Year’s Budget introduced.
9.      Law- and Strategy Changes
10.  President, Vice-President, Secretary, Communication and International Representetive.
11.  Two Auditors elected.
12.  Any other Business.

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