Það er satt að segja ekki mikið fjallað um samkynhneigð í Gamla testamentinu og raunar má segja að alls ekkert sé fjallað um hneigðina sem slíka, heldur aðeins á örfáum stöðum um kynmök milli karla. Í glímunni við slíka texta er alltaf hætta á því að við lesum nútímahugmyndir inn í hina fornu texta, rífum þá úr sínu sögulega samhengi o.s.frv. Ég tala nú ekki um þegar menn hafa heitar skoðanir á umfjöllunarefninu, eins og harla oft hefur reynst vera með samkynhneigðina. Þá er veruleg hætta á að textarnir fái ekki að tala sjálfir, að við lesum inn í þá fyrirfram mótaðar hugmyndir okkar.
Hér er hins vegar um þannig mál að ræða að áhugi okkar á því er ekki fyrst og fremst sögulegur heldur er hér á ferðinni málefni sem mjög er í deiglunni í samtíð okkar. Hér reynir því annars vegar á hina sögulegu ritskýringu textanna og hins vegar á túlkun þeirra og heimfærslu til nútímans. Að hve miklu leyti geta þeir orðið vegvísandi fyrir kristna menn í dag.
Einn er sá texti Gamla testamentisins sem á síðari árum hefur verið dreginn inn í umræðuna um samkynhneigð. Er þar um að ræða textann um sköpun mannsins í mynd Guðs (imago Dei), en fáir textar Gamla testamentisins hafa gegnum tíðina dregið til sín jafnmikla athygli og hann. Textinn hljóðar svo samkvæmt Biblíunni 1981:
Og Guð sagði: „Vér viljum gjöra manninn eftir vorri mynd, líkan oss, og hann skal drottna yfir fiskum sjávarins og yfir fuglum loftsins og yfir fénaðinum og yfir villidýrunum og yfir öllum skriðkvikindum sem skríða á jörðinni.“ Og Guð skapaði manninn eftir sinni mynd, hann skapaði hann eftir Guðs mynd, hann skapaði þau karl og konu. Og Guð blessaði þau, og Guð sagði við þau: „Verið frjósöm, margfaldist og uppfyllið jörðina og gjörið ykkur hana undirgefna og drottnið yfir fiskum sjávarins og yfir fuglum loftsins og yfir öllum dýrum, sem hrærast á jörðinni.“ (1. Mósebók 1:2628).
Menn hafa um aldir glímt við þá spurningu hvað felist í staðhæfingunni um að maðurinn sé skapaður í mynd Guðs. Er þar um að ræða einhvern skyldleika Guðs og manns og í hverju er þá sá skyldleiki fólginn? Hér er ekki tími til að gera að umtalsefni allar þær fjölbreytilegu skýringar sem gefnar hafa verið á þessum merkilega texta.
Nýjar guðfræðistefnur vísa til textans
Það er áberandi að á öllum tímum virðast imago Dei-textarnir hafa lagt eitthvað af mörkum þegar nýjar guðfræðistefnur hafa skotið upp kollinum. Nokkur dæmi um þetta má nefna frá síðustu árum og áratugum. Hér á ég við frelsunarguðfræðina svokölluðu (einkum í Rómönsku Ameríku), kvennaguðfræðina svo og hina vistfræðilegu áherslu innan guðfræðinnar. Það er athyglisvert að í öllum þessum tilvikum koma imago Dei-textarnir talsvert við sögu. Loks hefur þessi texti á síðustu árum verið dreginn inn í umræðuna um samkynhneigð.
Þrískipt siðferðileg ábyrgð
Hinn mikli fjölbreytileiki í túlkun þessa texta, sem rannsóknarsaga hans vitnar um, er til marks um hversu stórbrotinn texti er hér á ferð. Innan siðfræðinnar hefur hann til dæmis gegnt mjög stóru hlutverki. Þannig hefur prófessor Björn Björnsson, sem hefur með höndum kennslu í félagslegri siðfræði við guðfræðideild Háskóla Íslands, beinlínis bent á þennan texta sem nokkurs konar útgangspunkt fyrir hina biblíulegu siðfræði. Bendir hann réttilega á að á grundvelli þessa texta megi tala um þrískipta siðferðilega ábyrgð, það er ábyrgð mannsins gagnvart Guði (coram Deo), gagnvart náunga sínum (coram hominibus) og gagnvart heiminum (coram mundo).1 Er þar vel að orði komist því vissulega rúmar umræddur texti allar þessar víddir.
Málefni samkynhneigðra í brennidepli
Á síðari árum hafa málefni samkynhneigðra vakið síaukna athygli og réttindabarátta þeirra ekki farið framhjá neinum. Vissulega má gagnrýna kristna kirkju fyrir að hafa verið seinni að taka við sér og að hafa ekki látið málefni þessa minnihlutahóps nægilega til sín taka. En þar hefur ánægjuleg breyting orðið á að undanförnu og eru umræður á Prestastefnunni í fyrra til marks um það. En vissulega er umræðan skammt á veg komin hér á landi. Vinnuhópar hafa starfað í kirkjum nágrannaþjóða okkar. Hlutverk mitt hér er mun smærra í sniðum, einungis að fara nokkrum orðum um nokkra þá texta úr Gamla testamentinu sem tengdir hafa verið þessari umræðu. Tími leyfir ekki annað en gripið sé niður í nokkrum textum á mjög svo yfirborðslegan hátt.
Eru samkynhneigðir líka skapaðir í Guðs mynd?
Það er ekkert sem bendir til að höfundur sköpunarsögu P-ritsins svokallaða hafi haft í huga spurninguna um stöðu samkynhneigðra þegar orðin um sköpun mannsins í mynd Guðs voru skráð. Það þarf þó ekki að koma í veg fyrir að við á grundvelli meginboðskapar þessa mikilvæga texta reynum að segja eitthvað um það mál í samtíð okkar, eins og svo fjölmörg önnur siðferðileg og guðfræðileg vandamál sem við reynum að glíma við á grundvelli Biblíunnar.
Eitt grundvallaratriðið hér tel ég vera að textinn gerir ótvírætt ráð fyrir að allir menn séu skapaðir í mynd Guðs. Að því leyti flytur textinn svipaðan boðskap og Páll í Galatabréfinu (3:28). Hér er ekki gerður greinarmunur á Gyðingi eða grískum manni, þræli eða frjálsum manni, karli eð
;a konu. Í ljósi nútímans gætum við bætt við að hér sé örugglega ekki gerður greinarmunur á hvítum manni eða svörtum. En hvað þá með gagnkynhneigða menn og samkynhneigða? Er unnt að fullyrða að textinn um sköpun mannsins í Guðs mynd eigi jafnt við þá? Fyrirfram er óhætt að segja að það þyrftu að koma fram mjög sterk rök til að standa á þeirri staðhæfingu að einhver ákveðinn hópur manna sé þar undanskilinn, í þessu tilfelli samkynhneigðir menn. Ef það hefði verið hugsunin þá hefði það væntanlega verið látið koma skýrt fram í textanum.
Mistök í sköpunarverkinu?
Það er ekki að ástæðulausu að textinn um sköpun mannsins í mynd Guðs er hér gerður að umtalsefni þegar staða samkynhneigðra, jafnt karla og kvenna, er til umræðu. Umræddur texti hefur verið notaður til að standa vörð um samband gagnkynhneigðra sem hið Guði þóknanlega samband andstætt sambandi samkynhneigðra. Yfirleitt hafa menn þó ekki viljað ganga svo langt að halda því fram að samkynhneigðir menn séu ekki líka skapaðir í Guðs mynd, en hafa hins vegar stundum farið þá leið að neita því að kynhvötin sé hluti af Guðsmyndinni og í framhaldi af því viljað halda fram að samkynhneigðin sem slík sé ekki hluti af Guðs góðu sköpun heldur dæmi um einhvers konar „mistök“ í sköpunarverkinu. Gegn slíkum staðhæfingum er textinn um sköpun mannsins í mynd Guðs okkur áminning um að Guð fer ekki í manngreinarálit og skiptir mönnum ekki upp í fullkomna menn og ófullkomna, ekki heldur hvað snertir kynhneigð þeirra.
Er guðsmyndin fólgin í sambandi karls og konu?
Þeir eru til sem á grundvelli 1. Mósebókar 1:26-28 vilja halda því fram að guðsmynd mannsins sé beinlínis fólgin í hjónabandinu. Þeir sem slíkt gera geta raunar sótt stuðning til þekktasta guðfræðings 20. aldar, sjálfs Karls Barths (1886-1968). Umfjöllun Barths hefur vakið mikla athygli, enda birtist hún í hinu volduga og áhrifamikla trúfræðiverki hans.2 Barth heldur því fram að í 1. Mósebók 1:26-28 sé að finna beina útskýringu á merkingu textans í orðunum „hann skapaði þau karl og konu“.
Nei! Guðsmynd mannsins er ekki fólgin í hjónabandinu
Það verður að segjast eins og er að túlkun hins mikla guðfræðijöfurs Karls Barths er hreint ekki sannfærandi hvað þetta atriði snertir og því síður þeirra sem vilja ganga lengra og nota túlkun hans sem innlegg í umræðuna um stöðu samkynhneigðra og þá beinlínis sem vopn gegn réttindabaráttu þeirra með því að lesa það inn í sköpunarsöguna að samkynhneigð sé í grundvallaratriðum ill, afskræming á skikkan skaparans og andstæð vilja Guðs. Um þessi atriði segir sköpunarsagan ekkert, hvorki beint né óbeint.
Sé slík túlkun skoðuð í ljósi þess sem Gamla testamentið og raunar Biblían öll kennir í víðara samhengi hljóta að vakna spurningar eins og: Hvað þá með þá einstaklinga sem eiga ekki því láni að fagna að eignast lífsförunaut? Eru þeir þar með sviptir réttinum til að kallast skapaðir í Guðs mynd? Það væri í hrópandi ósamræmi við það sem Gamla testamentið og enn frekar Nýja testamentið kennir um umhyggjuna fyrir þeim sem minna mega sín og standa höllum fæti. Þannig verður Gamla testamentinu til dæmis mjög tíðrætt um munaðarleysingjann, ekkjuna og útlendinginn sem meðal yðar býr, en allt voru þetta aðilar sem áttu undir högg að sækja.
Raunar nægir að skoða textann sjálfan vandlega og af sanngirni til að sannfærast um að ofannefnd túlkun fæst engan veginn staðist. Í fyrsta lagi er nauðsynlegt að benda á að sköpunarsaga P-ritsins (1. Mósebók 1:1-2:4a) fjallar um sköpunarverkið (náttúruna) og mannkynið almennt.3 Hebreska orðið adam, sem í íslensku Biblíunni er þýtt sem „maður“, væri sennilega betur þýtt sem „mannkyn“ (sbr. nýja NRSV-þýðingin enska), og á að sjálfsögðu jafnt við konur og karla, eins og undirstrikað er í textanum. Þar væri raunar nær hebreska frumtextanum að þýða með orðunum „karlkyns og kvenkyns“ því að ekki er um að ræða hin venjulegu hebresku orð yfir karl og konu. Skiptingin úr eintölu „Guð skapaði manninn eftir sinni mynd“ yfir í fleirtölu „hann skapaði þau“ sýnir að ekki er um beina hliðstæðu að ræða milli þessara tveggja hluta 27. versins, þannig að unnt væri að líta svo á að innihald guðsmyndarinnar sé fólgið í hjónabandi karls og konu.
Um ákvæðin í Heilagleikalögunum, 3. Mósebók, 18:22 og 20:13
Því verður varla á móti mælt að þeir fáu ritningarstaðir í Biblíunni sem beinlínis taka á spurningunni um samkynhneigða hegðun eru neikvæðir í dómi sínum. Í Heilagleikalögunum svokölluðu í 3. Mósebók (Leviticus), 17-26, er beinlínis lagt bann við kynmökum karlmanna. Hér er líklega um að ræða ákveðnasta bann Biblíunnar við kynmökum milli karla (athygli vekur að hliðstætt bann er ekki að finna varðandi konur).
3. Mósebók, 18:22: Eigi skalt þú leggjast með karlmanni sem kona væri. Það er viðurstyggð.
3. Mósebók, 20:13: Og leggist maður með karlmanni sem kona væri, þá fremja þeir báðir viðurstyggð. Þeir skulu líflátnir verða, blóðsök hvílir á þeim.
Í samhengi síðarnefnda ritningarstaðarins (3. Mósebók, 20:10-16) er hinum samkynhneigðu kynmökum skipað á bekk með öðru „óeðli“ á sviði kynlífsi
ns. Samkynhneigð kynmök voru hluti af guðsdýrkun ýmissa nágrannaþjóða Ísraels á tímum Gamla testamentisins. Slík iðkun var því fordæmd sem brot gegn 1. boðorðinu. Þetta sjáum við líka í 5. Mósebók, 23:17-18, þar sem verið er að fordæma musterisvændi, bæði meðal karla og kvenna. Þetta var hluti af frjósemisdýrkun meðal nágrannaþjóða Ísraels og þess virðist einnig hafa orðið vart í Ísrael í einstaka tilfellum.
Takmark laganna í Heilagleikabálkinum er fyrst og síðast að greina Ísrael frá öðrum þjóðum sem heilaga þjóð og varðveita hina trúarlegu sérstöðu sína, sbr. orðalagið í upphafi 18. kafla: „Þér skuluð ekki gjöra að háttum Egyptalands . . . og þér skuluð ekki gjöra að háttum Kanaanslands“ (18:3). Í niðurlagi kaflans kemur einnig fram áherslan á aðgreiningunni frá öðrum þjóðum: „Saurgið yður ekki með nokkru þvílíku, því að með öllu þessu hafa heiðingjarnir saurgað sig.“ Reglurnar eru yfirleitt mjög ákveðnar og harðar og skýrt kveðið á um hver refsingin er við brotum gegn þeim.
Óhætt er að slá því föstu að fyrir kristna menn eru margar þessara reglna mjög framandi og refsingin við brotum gegn þeim í fullkomnu ósamræmi við það sem við eigum að venjast og teljum gott og gilt. Hér er til dæmis kveðið á um að hver sá sem bölvar föður sínum eða móður sinni skuli líflátinn verða (3. Mósebók, 20:9). Hið sama á við um þann sem leggst með konu sem hefur tíðir (20:18).
Heilagleikalögin minna okkur á að í Gamla testamentinu eru fjölmargar reglur, boð og bönn, sem kristnir menn láta sig litlu varða á þeim forsendum að lögmálið hafi hlotið uppfyllingu sína með Kristi. Má í þessu sambandi minna á langvinnar deilur Jóns Helgasonar (1866-1942) og sænska aðventistans Davids Östlund um helgi hvíldardagsins skömmu fyrir aldamótin síðustu. Í þeirri rimmu andmælti Jón því að kristnum mönnum bæri að halda laugardaginn sem hvíldardag.
Ljóst má vera að það sem Heilagleikalögin í 3. Mósebók hafa að segja um samskipti samkynhneigðra getur ekki orðið neinn mælikvarði fyrir það hvaða afstöðu kristin kirkja skuli taka í málefnum samkynhneigðra.
Því yrði seint haldið fram að 3. Mósebók (Leviticus) væri meðal vinsælustu bóka Biblíunnar. Eru jafnvel dæmi um biblíuútgáfur þar sem þessi bók er prentuð með smærra letri en flestar aðrar bækur Biblíunnar. En hin neikvæða afstaða til þessa rits er þó einkum bundin við kristna menn þar sem í henni er að finna ýmis sérkenni gyðingdóms, sem kristnir menn telja ekki höfða til sín. Þannig eru lög um mismunandi fórnartegundir mjög fyrirferðarmikil í ritinu. Ýmsir minnast þess þó að þessi bók hefur að geyma annan hluta tvöfalda kærleiksboðorðsins, það er 3. Mósebók, 19:18: „Eigi skalt þú hefnisamur né langrækinn vera við samlanda þína, en þú skalt elska náunga þinn eins og sjálfan þig. Ég er Drottinn.“
Í ljósi lítilla vinsælda þessa rits í kristninni væri við því að búast að áhrif þess hefðu nánast engin verið hér á landi. Í nýlegri íslenskri doktorsritgerð í sagnfræði, sem fjallar um blóðskammarmál á Íslandi 1270-18704, kemur hins vegar mjög skýrt fram að einn ritningarstaður úr 3. Mósebók hefur haft mjög afdrifarík áhrif hér á landi, eins og raunar víða erlendis. Þar er um að ræða 3. Mósebók, 18:6 og áfram. („Enginn skal koma nærri nokkru nánu skyldmenni til þess að bera blygðan þeirra“). Á grundvelli laga sem byggðust á þessum ritningarstað voru að minnsta kosti fimmtíu einstaklingar teknir af lífi fyrir blóðskömm hér á landi á umræddu tímabili.
Þetta dæmi er óneitanlega til þess fallið að styðja við þá hugmynd sem margir hafa af Guði Gamla testamentisins um grimman, refsiglaðan og afbrýðisaman guð. En ekki er vandi að benda á dæmi sem sýna hina andstæðu hlið á guðsmynd Gamla testamentisins, og er sú hlið vissulega ríkjandi þegar grannt er skoðað.
Þeir sem vilja taka bókstaflega og yfirfæra til samtímans það sem ritningarstaðirnar í 3. Mósebók, 18:22 og 20:13, hafa að segja um kynlífssamband fólks af sama kyni hljóta um leið að svara því hvað þeir vilja gera við hin fjölmörgu ákvæði önnur sem er að finna í 3. Mósebók og snerta mataræði, helgi „sabbatsins“, fórnir af ýmsum toga og grimmilegar refsingar ef út af er brugðið. Dæmið sem nefnt var hér að ofan og doktorsritgerð Más Jónssonar fjallar um ætti að vera okkur víti til varnaðar.
Það væri mikil misnotkun á Biblíunni og hinum rauða þræði í boðskap hennar að nota texta eins og 3. Mósebók, 18:22 og 20:13, sem vegvísi fyrir kristna kirkju um hvaða afstöðu hún skuli taka til samkynhneigðra og réttindabaráttu þeirra. Í þessu sambandi er ekki úr vegi að minna á að Biblían er safn bóka sem rituð eru af ólíkum mönnum og endurspegla mismunandi tíma og aðstæður. Það skiptir því miklu að gera sér grein fyrir þeim jarðvegi sem einstök rit (eða jafnvel hlutar rita) eru sprottnin úr. Ekki er nægilegt að spyrja hvað ritin segja um einstök efni, heldur reyna að gera sér grein fyrir hvers vegna þau segja það og síðast en ekki síst að leitast við að gera sér grein fyrir að hve miklu leyti það eigi við gjörólíkar aðstæður okkar í nútímanum.
Sá sem telur nægja að benda á ritningarstaði eins og 3. Mósebók, 18:3 og 20:13, og halda því fram á grunvelli þeirra að ekki þurfi frekari vitna við um hinn biblíulega eða kristna boðskap í málefnum samkynhneigðra, hann hefur gert sig sekan um grófa misnotkun Biblíunnar.
Textarnir virðast ekki síst vera að glíma við þá kynlífsiðkun sem hefur verið svo tengd dýrkun framandi guða og heiðnu helgihaldi að þessi iðkun hefur verið litin sömu augum og heiðindómur í Biblíunni. Þetta virðist ekki síst eiga við um hin mjög svo kröftugu fyrirmæli í heilgaleikabálki 3. Mósebókar.
Samband Davíðs og Jónatans
Frásagnir Samúelsbóka af vináttu Davíðs og Jónatans hafa gjarnan verið dregnar inn í umræðuna um samkynhneigð í ljósi Biblíunnar og þá fyrst og fremst með skírskotun til orða Davíðs í 2. Samúelsók, 1:26: „Ást þín var mér undursamlegri en ástir kvenna.“ Orðið sem þýtt er „ást“ mætti allt eins þýða sem „vinátta“ án þess að það ráði nokkrum úrslitum um hvernig litið er á samband þeirra Davíðs og Jónatans.
En það væri mikil oftúlkun á þessum texta að halda því fram að hann nægi til að unnt sé að slá því föstu að samband Davíðs og Jónatans hafi verið af samkynhneigðum toga. Um það höfum við einfaldlega engar heimildir. Vinátta þeirra var án efa nánari en gengur og gerist og í íslensku þýðingunni er henni ágætlega lýst með orðinu „fóstbræðralag.“ Hins vegar skortir ekki heimildir um að Davíð hafi verið mikill kvennamaður, sbr. ástarævintýri hans og Batsebu.
Í nútímamáli væru menn vafalaust heldur hikandi við að tala um að einn karlmaður elskaði annan ef þeir vildu ekki á annað borð láta skilja sig á þann hátt að þar væri um að ræða ást samkynhneigðra. Í seðlasafni Orðabókar Háskólans er þó að finna ýmis slík dæmi. Eitt þeirra er sérlega skemmtilegt því að þar kemur við sögu Árni stiftprófastur Helgason (1777-1869), sem þýddi Samúelsbækur í Viðeyjarbiblíu. Þar er vitnað í grein um Árna eftir Jón biskup Helgason er birtist í Skírni árið 1927. Þar segir á bls. 12: „Elskuðust þeir heitt séra Árni og Rask meðan báðir lifðu.“ Enginn grunar Jón Helgason biskup um að hafa með þessu orðalagi ætlað sér að gefa til kynna að þeir séra Árni og Rask hafi verið samkynhneigðir.
Syndir Sódómubúa
Frásögnin af misgjörðum íbúa Sódómu í 1. Mósebók, 19. kafla, hefur reynst mjög áhrifamikil í umræðu um samkynhneigð, svo mjög af í ýmsum tungumálum er orðið yfir samkynhneigð sótt í þessa sögu, „sódómí“. En það er vert að veita því athygli að þótt í enga frásögn 1. Mósebókar sé jafnoft vitnað annars staðar í Gamla testamentinu og þessa, þá er því hvergi haldið fram þar að synd íbúa Sódómu hafi verið fólgin í samkynhneigð. Sú túlkun verður ekki til fyrr en hjá þeim Fíló og Jósefusi og hennar verður einnig vart í yngstu ritum Nýja testamentisins.
Dæmið af Sódómu er gjarnan notað til viðvörunar til dæmis 5. Mósebók, 29:23-24, þar sem boðað er að menn eigi í vændum svipað hlutskipti og Sódóma og Gómorra ef þeir yfirgefa sáttmála Drottins. Í spámannaritunum standa Sódóma og Gómorra (eða oft bara Sódóma) fyrst og fremst sem dæmi um almenna spillingu. Þannig segir Jesaja 1:9: „Ef Drottinn allsherjar hefði eigi látið oss eftir leifar mundum vér brátt hafa orðið sem Sódóma, – líkst Gómorru.“ Í næsta versi ávarparar hann dómarana þannig: „Heyrið orð Drottins, dómarar í Sódómu. Hlusta þú á kenning Guðs vors, Gómorrulýður!“ Ekki er vafi á að með þeim orðum ætlar spámaðurinn að sýna hversu spilltir íbúar Jerúsalem séu og þá ekki síst dómaranir. Með sama hætti og íbúar Sódómu brutu gegn boðum Drottins standa áheyrendur Jesaja nú gegn þeim boðskap sem hann hefur að flytja frá Drottni.
Einna ítarlegasta tilvísunin til Sódómu í spámannaritunum er að finna í 16. kafla Esekíelritsins sem hefur að geyma dæmisögu um ást Guðs og trúrof manna. Þar segir, 49-50, að synd Sódómu hafi verið ofdramb. „Hún og dætur hennar höfðu gnótt matar og lifðu góðu lífi í makindum, en réttu þó ekki hinum voluðu og fátæku hjálparhönd.“
Að sjá skóginn fyrir trjánum – Hið æðsta boðorð
Í ljósi einstakra boðorða eins og þeirra sem að framan var getið er rétt að benda á að það er Gamla testamentinu ekki framandi að spyrja um hið æðsta boðorð frekar en lögvitringnum sem bar þá spurningum upp við Jesú (Matteus 22:36 og hliðstæður) og var svarað með hinu tvöfalda kærleiksboðorði og þeirri útskýringu að „á þessum tveimur boðorðum hvílir allt lögmálið og spámennirnir.“
Á vettvangi Gamla testamentisins er nærtækast að minna á boðorðin tíu þar sem hið fyrsta boðorð er ekki aðeins inngangur að hinum níu heldur hefur það tvímælalaust þá lykilstöðu að það ber að túlka öll boðorðin í ljósi þess. 5 Einnig má benda á hversu gagnrýnir 8. aldar spámennirnir voru á ýmislegt það sem heyrði til helgihaldinu svo sem f&oac
ute;rnirnar sem gegna svo stóru hlutverki einmitt í 3. Mósebók. Stundum hefur verið bent á Míka 6:8 sem eins konar samnefnara fyrir boðskap spámannanna, en þar segir: „Hann hefir sagt þér, maður, hvað gott sé! Og hvað heimtar Drottinn annað af þér en að gjöra rétt, ástunda kærleika og fram ganga í lítillæti fyrir Guði þínum?“
Í hinum fjölþætta og margbreytilega boðskap Gamla testamentisins reynir virkilega á það að sjá skóginn fyrir tjánum. Sem betur fer veitir Biblían okkur margvíslega hjálp í þeim efnum og þá alveg sérstaklega Jesús Kristur sjálfur, samanber ívitnað svar hans hér að ofan við spurningu lögvitringsins.
Samkynhneigðir hafa eins og allir aðrir kristnir menn þörf fyrir að finna jákvæða samsvörun við líf sitt í Biblíunni. Það má gera með því að vísa til þess að maðurinn, óháð kyni hans, litarhætti, stöðu, stétt, trúarbrögðum eða kynhneigð er „skapaður í mynd Guðs“. Það eigum við allir menn sameiginlegt. Það er tvímælalaust misnotkun á fyrstu sköpunarsögu Biblíunnar (1. Mósebók, 1:1-2:4) að nota hana til að setja samkynhneigða menn skör lægra en aðra menn. Þvert á móti á textinn um sköpun mannsins að vera okkur áminning um að það er ekki biblíulegur grundvöllur fyrir því að svipta nokkurn mann þeirri stöðu að vera skapaður í mynd Guðs.
Hér er því slegið föstu að það sé rangtúlkun á umræddum texta að sjá innihald guðsmyndar mannsins (imago Dei) sem hjónaband karls og konu. Sömuleiðis er því haldið fram að það sé í engu samræmi við boðskap sköpunarsögunnar að lesa út úr henni að samkynhneigð sé afskræming á skikkan skaparans og gegn vilja Guðs.
Textinn um sköpun mannsins í mynd Guðs fjallar vissulega ekki um samkynhneigða sérstaklega. En á grundvelli hans má engu að síður draga mikilvægar ályktanir um það mál. Réttilega hefur verið bent á að hann feli í sér þrískipta siðferðilega ábyrgð mannsins, gagnvart Guði, gagnvart náunga sínum og gagnvart umheiminum. Þannig ætti textinn að minna á siðferðilega ábyrgð okkar gagnvart samkynhneigðum mönnum, körlum jafnt og konum, ekki síður en öðrum.
Í andstöðu við þá sem tala um samkynhneigð sem „mistök í sköpunarverkinu“ er textinn um sköpun mannsins í mynd Guðs okkur áminning um að Guð fer ekki í manngreinarálit og skiptir mönnum ekki upp í fullkomna og ófullkomna, ekki heldur hvað snertir kynhneigð þeirra. Hér eru allir menn jafnir fyrir Guði, hafa allir hlutverki að gegna með því að þjóna honum, náunga sínum og umheiminum í samræmi við hið æðsta boðorð.
Hér var því einnig haldið fram að það sem Heilagleikalögin svokölluðu í 3. Mósebók (18:22 og 20:13) hafa að segja um samskipti samkynhneigðra geti ekki orðið mælikvarði fyrir afstöðu kristinnar kirkju. Sá sem telur nægja að benda á slíka ritningarstaði og heldur því fram á grundvelli þeirra að ekki þurfi frekari vitna við um hinn biblíulega eða kristna boðskap í málefnum samkynhneigðra hann hefur gert sig sekan um grófa misnotkun Biblíunnar.
Aukin þekking á málefnum samkynhneigðra og þeirri þjáningu sem þeir hafa mátt þola og margvíslegum mannréttindabrotum gegn þeim hlýtur að gera þá kröfu til kirkjunnar og ekki síst okkar guðfræðinga að kynna okkur málstað þeirra opnum huga. Sú krafa hlýtur að vera gerð til kirkjunnar að hún nálgist málið á annan hátt en að telja í fordæmingarskyni upp ritningarstaði sem hafa að geyma boðskap sem talaður var inn í ákveðnar sögulegar aðstæður þegar þekking manna á samkynhneigð var óneitanlega „í molum“.
Og raunar hefur Biblían strangt til tekið ekkert að segja um samkynhneigð sem slíka, það fyrirbæri sem þekkt er úr nútímanum að menn uppgötkva og finna það á sér að þeir eru í innsta eðli sínu og upplagi samkynhneigðir og fá engu um það breytt. Hér getur að sjálfsögðu verið um að ræða sanntrúað fólk sem vill og þráir oft á tíðum að fá að iðka sína kristnu trú í ábyrgð og trúfesti við þann Guð sem Biblían boðar.
Leiðsögn Ritningarinnar í svo viðkvæmu máli sem þessu er að mínu mati ekki síst að finna í þeim ritningarstöðum sem hafa að geyma kjarnann í hinum biblíulega boðskap, svo sem í hinu tvöfalda kærleiksboðorði eða t.d. hvatningarorða Páls postula í Filippíbréfinu, 1. kafla, þar sem hann segir: „Og þetta bið ég um, að elska yðar aukist ennþá meir og meir að þekkingu og allri dómgreind, svo að þér getið metið þá hluti rétt, sem máli skipta . . .“ Það sem við þurfum fyrst og fremst á að halda í þessu máli er að taka þekkinguna á málefnum samkynhneigðra í þjónustu dómgreindar okkar og umfram allt kærleikans og taka ákvarðanir á grundvelli þess.
1 Þetta kemur til dæmis fram í bókarkafla Björns, „Theology and Bioethics“ (einkum bls. 220) í ritinu Bioetikk og teologi. Ritstj. Lars Østnor. Oslo, 1996. Sbr. einnig Life and Death. Moral Implications of Biotechnology. Ritstj. Viggo Mortensen. Geneva: WCC Publications, 1995, en Björn Björnsson er meðhöfundur að því riti. Sjá einkum bls. 10 og áfram.
2 Karl Barth: Church Dogmatics III/I, ensk þýðing 1982, einkum bls. 183-206. Sjálfur hef ég fjallað allítarlega um þessa túlkun Barths í ofannefndri (nmgr. 1) doktorsritgerð minni, bls. 65-76.<
br /> 3 Því hefur verið haldið fram að dýpsta merking sköpunarsögunnar sé guðsþjónustan (þjónusta mannsins við Guð) þar sem hún stefnir öll að hinum sjöunda degi, hvíldardeginum. En það atriði snertir tæpast þær spurningar sem hér eru til umfjöllunar.
4 Már Jónsson: Blóðskömm á Íslandi 1270-1870. Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, 1993.
5 Hér má minna á að Þjóðverjinn Werner H. Schmidt heldur því fram í bók sinni Alttestamentlicher Glaube in seiner Geschichte (Neukirchener Verlag, 6. útg. 1987) að 1. boðorðið sé samnefnarinn fyrir hinn fjölþætta boðskap Gamla testamentisins og auk þess það atriði sem öðru fremur greindi trú hinna fornu Hebrea frá trúarbrögðum nágrannaþjóða þeirra.
Grein þessi var lögð fram á Prestastefnu 1997 í umræðu um kirkju og samkynhneigð. Samnefnd gerð hennar, en nokkru ítarlegri, birtist síðan í Kirkjuritinu, 2. hefti, júní 1998, og skal þeim sem vilja fræðast nánar um efnið vísað á hana. Höfundur er prófessor í Gamla testamentisfræðum við Háskóla Íslands og forseti Guðfræðideildar Háskóla Íslands.
Copyright © Gunnlaugur A. Jónsson 1997
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Producing Having Well Easier: Valuable Nutrition Assistance Nutrients is the simple component of developing a healthier way of life. How can we allow it to be happen, even though everyone would like to get healthful? Turning into healthier is much easier than you feel. Utilize these techniques for a healthier and happier person. Food products that have been overly highly processed usually do not excellent to consume when weight-loss. The components detailed needs to be crystal clear and simple that you should comprehend. Steer clear of food items which may have a variety of substances on the content label. Get suitable quantities of nutritional B12 to develop red-colored blood flow tissues. Vegetarians and senior citizens are usually lacking in this from the diet plans. Folks who suffer from anemia also at an increased risk. You can have a supplement or consume breakfast cereal, or search for this source of nourishment in breakfast time cereal products. This will enable you to savor dining out without sabotaging your resolve for very good nutrients. It is essential that your daily diet has a adequate volume of selenium. Selenium is one antioxidant properties which may overcome the premature growing older of your skin by enhancing muscle flexibility. Selenium shields your system from the sunshine plus helps skin. Some good food items to consider that are rich with selenium are garlic herb, ovum and garlic and tuna. One particular aspect of healthy having is sugars you consume day-to-day. Many individuals have got a bogus notion that every juice beverages are healthier than soft drinks. This is simply not always correct thinking about several fruit drinks use a greater sugars than soft drink. Almonds are some of the most beneficial almonds to use in made dishes. Elevate proteins levels, and assist you to keep a healthful blood flow cellular count, these are the ideal amid other almonds for their ability to lower cholesterol levels. They also tend to be less expensive than a number of other nut kinds. You are able to understand a lot of health advantages, however many people aren’t also fond of floor turkey’s dryness, if you replace terrain poultry for soil beef. You can add organic olive oil and sliced onions to boost the taste to make your turkey far more fruit juices. Your various meats will probably be much less excess fat and still have great taste. The information mentioned above will assist you in increasing your way of living, mentioned previously in the beginning of this informative guide. Hopefully, studying these guidelines has provided you the information you essential in which nutrients is involved. You should retain the guidance at heart to utilize everyday.
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Nutritious Guidance To Reside Greater Lots of people are in need to improve their nutrients. For the way their diet program looks now, this can create a tremendous obstacle. Use the advice in this post to take simple steps to help make optimistic changes to enhance your health and wellness. Find out the best way to provide your body with all the nutrients and vitamins that it needs. Try and buy generally organic and natural food products as you are consuming once and for all diet.Fresh food who have not been packaged has more nutrients than other things. Quinoa is surely an choice to look at when trying to lessen your reddish meat. Quinoa is among one of merely a vegetarian delight that is full of important amino acid-unique options to meat. It is additionally gluten-cost-free and is gluten-free of charge. The flavors is amazingly appealing, as well as being a healthy item. Organic foods may help increase the diet to what you eat. These types of food are the right path to your natural diet.Have a style and you’ll know why. It’s frequently said that processed whole grains flavor significantly better flavorful than cereals. White-colored flour might be the only selection for some baked goods.Nonetheless, whole grain products normally have a richer preference that highly processed cereals, and support digestion from fibers. Just before heading out to your Thanksgiving holiday meal, try out ingesting some thing. When you get started Thanksgiving holiday evening meal having a stomach that is unfilled, you will be most likely overindulge. Ingesting some thing healthful upfront will allow you to complete quicker and get away from overeating. Walnuts are one of the most beneficial almonds to use in made recipes. Bring up health proteins amounts, and help you have a healthy bloodstream cell add up, these represent the most healthy among other almonds because of the capability to lower cholesterol levels. Additionally, they are typically more affordable than all kinds of other nut kinds. It is possible to understand numerous health advantages, even though a lot of people aren’t too fond of soil turkey’s dryness, when you replacement ground poultry for terrain meat. You can add olive oil and sliced onions to improve the flavor and make your poultry much more juices. Your meats is going to be less extra fat and still have amazing flavoring. Nourishing the body as to what it takes is important for the best healthy way of life. To be able to improve your health, make use of the ideas composed on this page. It might require a very little, or plenty of hard work, mostly reliant on what you are actually having now. As a way to increase their health insurance and properly-becoming, anybody can increase their diet program.
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Consuming Nicely And Lifestyle Greater: Nourishment Ideas It could be difficult to see nutritional benefits when young. Browse the report beneath to learn methods to enhance your diet at every age. Consume about 600 to 900mg of garlic clove every day for maximum health advantages. Garlic cloves will help inside the fight coronary heart malignancy and condition. It will be a gain for the organs as it by natural means has anti-fungus and fungus infection. Put garlic cloves cloves to your food consumption. Ingesting a huge quantity of fresh vegetables and vegetables day-to-day is nice nutrition principles. The recommended every day allowance for vegetables and fruits is 9 to 13 helpings every day. That may seem like a great deal to you, but you can get them in. A glass of the apple company fruit juice or some tomato marinade matters as portions. This helps you reduce saturated fat and energy. Ladies who are breast feeding or expecting need to consider additional care of the nutrients. One method to make sure all those protein requirements are obtained would be to combine egg cell white-colored in the dinner. Egg whites are really reduced in cholesterol levels and contain a great deal of health proteins that will help expectant women! Pasteurized eggs are suitable for preventing health threats like salmonella. Nuts are wholesome option if the assortment is correct. Some walnuts provides fiber for your diet for a crispy and delightful. Most fast foods along with other junk foods have plenty of sea salt within them. Once you start cutting back on salt, you’ll notice that a little bit of sea salt will be a whole lot more powerful than it used to be. Meals that happen to be not healthy may possibly abruptly appear too salty. You will recognize that you don’t desire to eat them as much. If you replace floor poultry for soil meat, you can know many health benefits, even though some individuals aren’t as well fond of soil turkey’s dryness. You could add olive oil and sliced onions to boost the flavor to make your poultry far more fruit drinks. Your various meats is going to be much less excess fat and still have fantastic flavoring. Since you can notify, you can have great nutrients without just following cliches. Diet is not just eating a variety of fruit and veggies, however. Most of us have to learn to consume nutritiously. Utilize the over assistance to make sure you follow a healthy diet plan.
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Ingesting Properly For Your Personal New Physical fitness Prepare We all know that eating healthily and exercising properly can cause excellent nourishment, but you must discover some more issues to assist you because then you can definitely feel and search effectively in the foreseeable future. Continue reading to discover the better factors of nourishment which you may have neglected. Don’t use highly junk foods if you would like slim down. The brand ought to collection ingredients which are common sufficient that you should fully grasp. Steer clear of food products who have plenty of synthetic components on the tag. It is important to try to eat a good amount of health proteins every day. Proteins help build muscle groups as well as in preserving wholesome purpose of body organs.Additionally they make the cellular operations and you will probably metabolize energy metabolic rate. Healthy proteins aids your body the strength it needs to protect against harmful conditions. Some terrific types of proteins are grain, meat, beans, beans, meat and tofu and grain. A normal digestive system is extremely important to achieve and sustain weight-loss and a healthy body.Drink just as much h2o as you get sufficient dietary fiber every day. Meals with trans fat in them needs to be eliminated without exception. Meals which can be substantial trans body fat contents boosts your chance of heart disease. Trans fatty acids helps make the volume of HDL (very good cholesterol) inside your body decrease minimizing excellent cholesterol levels. Among healthy eating is glucose that people eat regularly. Many individuals erroneously feel that fruit juice is a healthier alternative to soft drink. This is not the truth as some of these fruit juices possess a better glucose articles than soft drinks. Almonds are one of the most suitable almonds to use in cooked recipes. Raise proteins amounts, and help you have a healthy bloodstream mobile count up, these represent the best amongst other peanuts due to their capacity to reduce cholesterol. Additionally, they are usually less costly than a number of other nut varieties. You can realize several health and fitness benefits, however many people aren’t too interested in terrain turkey’s dryness, when you substitute terrain turkey for terrain meat. You could add organic olive oil and chopped onions to improve the taste making your turkey far more fruit drinks. Your various meats will be significantly less extra fat and have great flavor. These fundamental dietary tactics will make main alterations in your daily life. Keep to the ideas written in this article and you will probably surely visit your power levels while focusing enhance while you practical experience reduced stress. Don’t wait, test it nowadays and see what a big difference consuming the best meals will make in the manner you feel!
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Producing Having Effectively Simpler: Helpful Diet Guidance Many individuals should work to improve their nourishment.This can require a great deal of function, depending on the diet regime they’re at present following.Take advantage of the suggestions to improve your vitality and overall health. Discover ways to give your body the nourishment it needs. Consider adding a significant amount of garlic herb every day to the diet. Garlic clove can be a highly effective antioxidant that can reduce the chance of significant health problems including coronary heart many forms of cancer and condition. Garlic can also aid your organs having its natural contra –fungal and anti-bacterial professional. You can add garlic clove or garlic clove components to your daily meals. When considering a nutritious diet plan, be sure to consume no less than 8oz of low fat beef a day.It will help you obtain the healthy proteins and metal that you need everyday. Some terrific meat to take into consideration arevenison and venison, or another slim cuts. This can help you cut down on saturated fats and unhealthy calories. It is crucial that your diet includes a adequate quantity of selenium. Selenium is one antioxidant components which can battle the rapid growing older of your skin by improving tissue elasticity. Selenium safeguards your whole body through the direct sun light as well as aids skin area. Some good meals to consider that are rich with selenium are ovum, garlic and garlic cloves and tuna fish. This is certainly a great technique to enjoy eating out without sabotaging your brand-new nutrients targets. One of several toughest, however difficult, methods to achieve appropriate nutrition is to split any addiction to trash foods and candy. Junk food is addictive for an extended period of your time. Desires and hunger pangs for such food products can continue a long time after the modification to some healthier diet program. You should ignore yearnings or desires for the much healthier selections. You are able to realize numerous health and fitness benefits, even though some individuals aren’t also keen on terrain turkey’s dry skin, if you replace floor poultry for soil beef. You could add organic olive oil and cut red onion to further improve the taste to make your turkey more juices. Your various meats will likely be much less excess fat and still have great taste. Small changes for your diet may bring numerous advantages for your overall health. To lower your anxiety, have more power and improve your emphasis, use the recommendations using this article. There’s no time much like the give to start making healthier having alternatives you’ll be very impressed by how much of a change it can make!
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Diet Information and facts You Need To Know Now Diet is essential part of any person’s total well-getting and common properly-being. Keep reading to learn about how to make this happen. Ingesting new fresh fruits and fruits on a daily basis will definitely improve your nutrients principles.The USDA says that at least 9 servings of vegatables and fruits daily. Even if this may sound like a large number of servings, it is possible to eat that many helpings. A cup of orange juices or even a tomato-centered marinade on pasta can add up as one helping every. When thinking of a healthy diet plan, be sure to take in at least 8oz of low fat various meats per day.This can help you get the proteins and iron that you need every day. Some good lean meats to take into consideration arevenison and venison. Otherwise, other lean reductions. Natural foods might help boost the diet to your food consumption. These food types are your path into a natural diet plan.Take a style and you’ll know why. 1 beneficial method of nutrients and well being is the idea to not rob your self of meals you prefer, but more healthy. You have to know the nutritious profiles for your what you eat so you can make sure you are receiving what you require. In the event you check with, it has turn out to be much easier now can provide nutrients information. Oat meal in the morning can offer a wonderful way to learn to the day. The whole grain in oat meal will help to help you stay really feel whole during your entire day. Acquiring correct nourishment is crucial if you want your body to work appropriately. Taking a multivitamin day-to-day will assist you in getting best way to keep your system has all the vitamins it needs. View your community supplement store and request information on the nutrients and vitamins you may need to get. If you’re an older girl 50 plus, you may need a vitamin supplement made for girls which can be midsection age, as an example. Drink plenty of water if you consider your everyday vitamin supplement. If you substitute soil poultry for floor meat, you can realize numerous benefits, although many people aren’t as well partial to soil turkey’s dry skin. You could add olive oil and chopped red onion to further improve the flavor and then make your turkey far more drinks. Your beef will likely be significantly less extra fat and still have great flavor. Educating yourself about nutrients will allow you to make the proper selections. Remember that it can be in your best interest to use the ideas you only study. No one can do this however you. You must plan to reside far better and consume much better for your self.
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Nourishment Advice That Will Make simpler Your Life Diet will be the simple part of having a healthful life-style. How can we help it become come about, though everybody wants to be healthier? Getting far healthier is less difficult than you imagine. Begin using these techniques for a much healthier and happier individual. Cereals are part of a proper food to add to your daily diet.Whole grains are a great substitute for processed sugars. Some meals tips to combine grain to your diet plan are dark brown rice, brownish rice, whole wheat grains a loaf of bread and oatmeal. This helps your body the desired nutrition and dietary fiber it needs and also exactly what is absent from processed carbohydrates. You should try to eat lots of healthy proteins everyday. Healthy proteins are crucial in muscle building and promote healthier skin area. They help together with your cells functionality typically and you will definitely process power more efficiently. Necessary protein are used from your physique defend alone from conditions. Some food items that have health proteins are meat, beans, tofu, chicken and species of fish whole milk goods, and cereals. Dietary fiber is essential with their diet program. Dietary fiber enables you to handle your unwanted weight and maintaining you not to feel hungry. It may also help to reduce your bloodstream bad cholesterol. Fiber can help for very long-word troubles like center and cancer sickness. Darker chocolate features substances called flavonoids that keep your blood pressure level down. The anti-oxidants within dark chocolates contains activly works to boost your bad cholesterol. To get the advantages, just be certain your chocolates which contains at least 70 cocoa. Don’t overdo it with all the chocolate since it continue to a higher calories foods so appreciate it without excess. Oat meal is a good choice for morning meal meals that may get the entire time. The grain in a single mug of oat meal is quite fulfilling and can help you full longer. Obtain your B12 to possess adequate red-colored blood vessels cellular production. Vegans as well as other people who restrict meats might not exactly get enough inside their diet regime. Individuals with anemia also at an increased risk. You may consider dietary supplements. On the other hand, decide on one of the many breakfast time whole grain cereal which are prepared with B nutritional vitamins. You can know numerous benefits, however some individuals aren’t also partial to soil turkey’s dry skin, when you substitute floor poultry for soil meat. You can include organic olive oil and chopped red onion to improve the taste and make your poultry a lot more fruit drinks. Your meat is going to be less fat and have wonderful flavoring. There are lots of methods to properly establish a well balanced food, as this article has proven. You stand a good chance at greatly boosting your nourishment if you succeed in tailoring the ideas in your particular lifestyle.
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Consuming Nicely And Dwelling Greater: Diet Suggestions This information is perfect for you if you want to be in secondly group as opposed to the first. It will not should be difficult to eat correctly. You don’t ought to fully change your diet plan, and you’ll learn that this information will help you get on your path swiftly. Consume about 600 to 900mg of garlic herb a day for max benefits. Garlic herb will help battle various types of diseases such as coronary heart illness and cancers. Additionally it is a natural anti–anti-bacterial and yeast qualities that happen to be good for your entire physique. You can include garlic cloves every single day. It is essential to eat a lot of health proteins on a regular basis. Healthy proteins improve muscle tissue and then in keeping healthier purpose of body organs.They also create your mobile functions and you will definitely metabolize energy metabolism. Health proteins helps your whole body the strength it requires to control dangerous ailments. Some good sources of health proteins are beans, tofu, meat, grains, legumes and lean meats and cereals. You ought to try to eat various types of healthy proteins over a regular basis. Choose skinless fowl, skinless fowl and species of fish. Eggs can also be an abundance of protein. Research has revealed that the ovum daily does no problems for your health. Try eating any various meats 1 day out from each 7. Substitute various meats with almonds, peanut butter, peas, peas and also other foods high in protein. Dark chocolate features chemical substances known as flavonoids that keep your hypertension straight down. The vitamin antioxidants found in darker chocolates includes functions to boost your cholesterol levels. Make absolutely certain your dark chocolate containing at the very least 70 cocoa in order to get the benefits. Don’t go crazy with the dark chocolate because it nonetheless an increased calorie meals so enjoy it moderately. Making a tasty and fun. In this article is one method to push the nutritious content material of your respective yummy healthy smoothie even much better. Include flax seed with omega 3 essential fatty acids or cocoa powder for your healthy smoothie for an anti-oxidant-rich decide on-me-up. Introducing one of these two products can make shakes tastier and offer them additional vitamins and minerals for much better immune system. One of many hardest, yet challenging, approaches to accomplish suitable nutrients is to crack any dependence on rubbish food items and sweet treats. Fast food is addictive for a long period of energy. Cravings and hunger pangs for these particular foods can carry on long after the change into a more healthy diet. It is essential to overlook urges or wants for a far healthier choices. If you substitute floor turkey for terrain meat, you are able to recognize many benefits, though some people aren’t too fond of ground turkey’s dry skin. You could add olive oil and cut red onion to enhance the taste to make your turkey more fruit drinks. Your various meats will be less extra fat and still have amazing flavor. Educating yourself about nourishment can help you make your proper options. Keep in mind that it really is beneficial for you to utilize the information you just read through. No one can try this however you. You have to choose to are living better and try to eat better for yourself.
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Nutrition Guidance For The Busy Person Are you presently on the phase in your own life when you would like to try to eat healthier but aren’t positive what definitely must be completed? The true concern lots of people deal with is lacking information and facts. The best way to create a alter is usually to understand what you are able and utilizing the information. Eat 600 to 900mg of garlic each day for maximum health advantages.Garlic herb is useful for your personal resistance and some kinds of malignancy. Garlic cloves is also assist your body organs featuring its normal contra–anti-bacterial and yeast broker. You can add garlic clove right into your foods. You ought to get your places besides meats. There are lots of non-beef proteins options that you to choose from. Such as tofu, legumes and nut products and legumes. These meals are fantastic because you can be integrated into area meals or within a primary plate. Consume a couple of form of healthy proteins so you don’t get bored with your diet plan. Grain really are a wholesome and healthy diet plan. Whole grains are a good alternative to refined sugars. Some meals tricks to integrate whole grains into your diet are light brown rice, dark brown rice, and particularly whole wheat grains breads that you could include in your everyday healthy and wholesome diet plan. This will give you the nutrition and fiber your whole body the required fibers and nutrition it deserves and those that are missing in highly processed carbohydrates. Or desire to binge on potato french fries, it is really an dependence you need to surpass in order to be healthier, if you’re hooked on fast food. Junk food yearnings are often caused by practices developed across a purpose: it is practical and yummy.Cravings for these particular snacks can stay a long time after the change to a healthier diet regime. It is vital that you understand the cravings and replace these with passion for far healthier options. Pay attention to just how much you will be eating every day.Unnecessary eating can create a lot of vitamins and minerals inside of your physique, making a circumstance where you acquire body fat. This could wreck with your health as well as reducing your body’s ability to method nutrients. Consume a multitude of all different colored meals. Vegatables and fruits which are dazzling in color provide us with a great deal of nourishment without a great deal of calorie consumption. Try to ensure every meal consume includes a minimum of one part of a different coloured fresh fruit or organic into each meal. Eat that also, simply because many vitamins and minerals are contained in the skin area, in the event the skin are delicious. Smoothies preference excellent and are ideal for you. Right here is a straightforward method to pump in the healthy articles of the yummy fruit smoothie even much better. Include a dab of flax-seed gas or cocoa powder (which contains herbal antioxidants) for the healthy smoothie.These can provide the shake. Diabetics ought to be careful considering that liquor can reduce blood glucose levels to plummet. Great diet is a fundamental element of retaining your system wholesome. Out of your toenails for your head and eyes, vitamins and minerals are accountable for maintaining every thing functioning they way it should. The preceding guidance can help you provide you with every little thing you need out of your diet plan.
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To Carb, Or Not To Carb And Also Other Diet Suggestions There may be a lot information regarding nutrition in the news. You need to try to eat and wholesome. The range and high quality of your food does significantly to ascertain our health. Nutrients products your whole body the type of material it deserves. Use the tips below to assist you to eat healthier. Rich and creamy dressings have lots of excess fat and energy to an otherwise healthier dinner.Incorporating cranberries or nuts for your salad can make it a lot tastier. The stealth method to try to eat far better is usually to sneak healthy foods in your typical meals. This performs particularly well should your children are choosy eaters since it becomes them to take in far more nourishing food products. This will help to everyone consume far better without even realizing it. Give up eating when you start to truly feel whole. This helps your body to process the food. Students of diet have already been explained to remove just as much mostly milled cereals in their diet. As a way to repair advantages that exist from all-natural whole grain, will it be smart to achieve this while purchasing fibers supplements or wheat or grain germ to compensate for the nutrition disposed of? Pay attention to how much you are having every day.Eating too much can cause a lot of vitamins and minerals inside of your system, making a circumstance the place you gain fat. This could chaos with the health along with cutting your body’s power to method vitamins and minerals. Try to eat numerous types of various different coloured food items. Fruits and vegetables that happen to be dazzling colored provide us with lots of diet without having plenty of calorie consumption. Attempt to ensure every meal consume involves at least one component of some other colored fruit or veggie into every meal. Consume that too, simply because many vitamins and minerals are inside the epidermis, in case the skin are delicious. It can be hard for many people to maintain a proper diet. You will probably find that ease and comfort meals not any longer contain the same level of charm if you make sensible food an ordinary a part of your diet plan. You may then be eating in the interests of good nourishment instead of simply because you would like to feel good on an emotional level. People suffering from diabetes should be careful since alcoholic drinks can lower blood sugar levels to plummet. These tips are incredibly informative, and definately will significantly help towards helping you build far better dietary habits. This can help you determine what continues inside your entire body. You need to fulfill your nutritious must remain healthy. Disregarding to include correct nourishment to your diet plan has awful implications. Utilize the techniques and strategies located previously mentioned to improve your nutrients quickly and easily.
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Vital Tricks And Tips For Having A Healthy Diet Many individuals battle to make healthful food modifications in their mundane regimens. Getting better nutrients isn’t anything that’s as well difficult to do once you know the correct information.Your aim must be to find out the maximum amount of about nutrients as possible, and utilize that understanding to the very best of you capacity. The subsequent post that adheres to is going to help you to get began. Women that are pregnant or nursing ought to acquire extra care of nourishment. One method to include additional proteins requirements are achieved is to mix egg bright white along with a meal. Egg-whites have a great level of health proteins and also other nutrition.Pasteurized chicken eggs ought to be selected for preventing health problems. Fiber content is important parts of everyone’s diet plan. Fibers allows you to handle your unwanted weight because you from experiencing eager. It can also assists to reduce your bloodstream cholesterol levels level. Fibers will help for too long-term problems such as malignancy and coronary heart disease. Receiving the proper nutrients is very important for your health to operate well.Taking a daily multivitamin is the best way to make certain you are receiving an ample amount of the right vitamin supplements in the body. You will discover one particular at the supplement outlets. If you’re an old woman over 50, you should find a vitamin supplement to get a middle-older girl, as an illustration. Get your dietary supplements daily with h2o. Take time to experience your food inside a speed. Chew really gradually and relish every single mouthful. Performing this should help you are total easier. Additionally, you will not often overindulge as soon as you slow and enjoy your meal. Individuals who are considering diet for any residing typically choose to avoid refined whole grains. Is it intelligent to do this although acquiring fiber content additives or whole wheat bacteria inside the milling approach? Corn syrup is considered a kind of glucose employed to sweeten many items and you will avoid these items when trying to lose weight. By using this method will help you steer clear of eating out something that is unhealthy. Possessing a excellent assortment inside your meal selections helps prevent from being reaching and bored stiff for something poor. Diabetes sufferers ought to be careful given that liquor can reduced blood sugar levels to plummet. With any fortune, you are prepared to get started using the suggestions in the following paragraphs to create a much healthier way of living. Regularity is amongst the most important factors to having the final results you happen to be right after.
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Every Single Day Is An Excellent Time Permanently Nourishment Many individuals believe it is hard time learning how to give nourishing approaches inside their everyday life. Receiving great nutrition into your life doesn’t really need to be challenging as soon as you gather the right items. You have to make an effort to learn information on diet, so keep your vision open up for first time details.The under post will support you with this aim. Protein needs to be a fundamental part of an effective diet program. Protein help build muscle tissue and then in sustaining healthier skin. In addition they make the metabolism and you will probably process energy better. Health proteins also provides the body battle illness. Some food products that include protein are fish, beans, tofu, chicken and meats milk merchandise, and whole grains. The stealth method to take in much better is usually to sneak healthy food in your normal meals. This works specifically nicely should your children are particular eaters since it receives them to eat a lot more wholesome food products. It will help every person try to eat better with out them even realizing it. If you want your whole body to work well, obtaining the suitable nutrition is essential. Using a top quality multivitamin pill is the right amount of vitamins. Visit a health store and request for information on the nutrients and vitamins you may want to get. If you’re an more mature woman over 50, you might need a supplement created for ladies which are midst age group, as an illustration. Consider these day-to-day by using a large glass of water. Oat meal is a healthier breakfast and will obtain your total day. The full whole grains in one mug of oat meal is very satisfying and will help you to help you stay really feel whole for a longer time. Well before going out in your Thanksgiving evening meal, try to eat a little bit anything. You are more inclined eat way too much when likely to Thanksgiving holiday evening meal having a abdomen that is bare. Eating one thing healthier upfront will allow you to fill up quicker and prevent eating too much. Try talking about such a food feels as though, and get away from what it likes like in the first place.You might interest them fascinated by an exciting explanation in the texture. It can be difficult for many people to preserve a proper nutrients. You might find that comfort and ease meals no more hold the exact same level of appeal if one makes well balanced meals a normal element of your daily diet. You may then be having in the interests of great nourishment rather than due to the fact you would like to feel much better sentimentally. Diabetics must be cautious given that alcoholic drinks can reduce glucose levels to plummet. Great nourishment is a fundamental element of maintaining your system healthy. Through your toenails in your head and view, vitamins and minerals are accountable for maintaining every little thing operating they way it must. The preceding assistance can assist you get everything that you require out of your diet regime.
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Nourishment is a very crucial element of keeping a healthy way of living. Without having the suitable equilibrium of dietary elements, our system can feel depleted, older as well as sick from time to time. There has been much published about nutrition and selecting via a whole lot details can often turn out to be perplexing. Right here we will summarize the best ideas to help you get yourself started on the journey to sensation more healthy. You should not completely stay away from red meat. Even though it is normally better in saturated fats, you are able to reduce this by removing its skin area. Go for slimmer slices of steak like beef, pork and chicken breast. They nevertheless consist of a large amount of protein and if they are epidermis-cost-free, the fat is removed or decreased, completely nothing bad is included with them, they are wholesome enhancements to any diet. The most crucial dish throughout the day, breakfast will give you the electricity and determination essential to lose excess weight. Breakfast food products normally contain the carbohydrate food, vitamin supplements, and healthful all kinds of sugar which everybody needs to work successfully and slim down. Without the need of breakfast, many people may find their selves unnecessary eating afterwards in the day. So, in no way skip breakfast it would haunt you afterwards that day. Integrate a number of fresh vegetables into your diet and keep your self from a healthy rut. A lot of people only eat a number of fresh vegetables and lose interest in consuming them. There are a multitude of veggies with various healthy beliefs. Keeping a large assortment of them in what you eat is not merely healthy, but makes consuming more pleasant. Stick to all-all-natural food items instead of all those produced and highly processed in production facilities. Often times these food products put goods including additional fatty acids, natural oils, greases and preservatives that could really cause harm to your system. Attempt shopping from your areas of the stores where one can buy create, healthier health proteins along with other “from your world” products. Whenever you use the essential concepts of diet, you increase the caliber of the energy you give the body. It becomes an significant part in your overall health and health plan. Like while using suitable fuel within you auto, proper diet can optimize the complete functionality of your body. Bear in mind, don’t live to eat, instead, try to eat to live!
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Nutrients is a very significant element of keeping a proper lifestyle. Minus the proper stability of healthy components, our body seems depleted, old and in many cases sickly occasionally. There has been very much written about nourishment and sorting by means of a great deal information can frequently come to be complicated. On this page we will outline the best tips to help you get yourself started on the journey to experiencing more healthy. If you would like your young ones to consume far better food products, have them active in the cooking food procedure and they can be prone to try to eat the things they make on their own. Young children like to use your imagination and the kitchen area is a wonderful location to do this. After they expertise how excellent foods are caused it to be builds enjoyment to consume it. Use cinnamon to strategy your whole body. If you get powerful desires for sugars, but you are doing advisable to stay on track, cinnamon will help. Grab your favorite fruit and mix copious numbers of sugar-cinnamon about them. This works great with apples and bananas. Make sure the sugar-cinnamon is real and contains no included sugar. Combine a variety of fresh vegetables to your diet and maintain your self from your nutritious rut. Lots of people only consume some fresh vegetables and lose interest in consuming them. You will find a multitude of vegetables with different dietary values. Trying to keep a large variety of them in your diet is not only wholesome, but makes consuming more enjoyable. You want to establish a good illustration for your personal kid. By trying and tell your youngster to enjoy healthier and never to enjoy junk food when you’re sitting there ingesting a bag of chips and drinking a soda pop, they’re unlikely to listen. But when you eat wholesome, your son or daughter would want to mirror you and also try to eat wholesome as well. Now that you know a little more about nutrition, you will notice that it’s not very difficult to keep properly nourished. There are several meals around with great health benefits and many ways you could keep as healthy as you possibly can, simply by just building a few adjustments. Use these ways to assist equilibrium your nutrients.
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Very good nourishment is not any magic formula, you just need to are aware of the details. These write-up lays out the specifics evidently and succinctly to enable you to integrate great nutrients into your daily life immediately. You will recognize that very good nutrition results in a much healthier physique with increased vitality and a more powerful defense mechanisms. Make an effort to create your little ones healthful institution lunches as an alternative to counting on the cafeteria food or prepackaged procedure foods. attempt which makes them snacks with complete-grain breads or tortillas, slim cheeses and meats. Also include some cut greens like celery and green beans, together with something fairly sweet like fruit and lower-extra fat yogurt. To follow a much healthier way of living, attempt staying away from meat. Understand that you continue to need to have proteins in your daily diet and will nonetheless consume beef several times weekly. But you should also look at options such as fish or chicken eggs which can be absolutely more healthy for yourself, particularly by reduction of the health risks of coronary disease. Ensure that you are getting sufficient e vitamin in your daily diet. Vitamin E Antioxidant is a superb anti-oxidant that can help preserve the fitness of mobile phone membranes. It has prospective rewards in the safety in the heart against sickness. Vitamin E Antioxidant is likewise essential to the fitness of the eyes and plays a part in the prevention of cataracts. Supplement D is an important part of a balanced diet. It assists in bone fragments and tooth formation by keeping calcium and phosphorous ranges within your body. Vitamin supplement D also helps in immune system operate and mobile phone progress. Decreasing many forms of cancer risk can be another good thing about vitamin supplement D. Health can so be easily associated with our nutrients. There is certainly always a lot to learn about eating healthy. By maintaining the data with this write-up in mind when having and shopping, you should certainly stay on track in the direction of an improved, much healthier lifestyle.
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It can be hard for everybody to get the diet that they need. Whenever you choose simple when cooking food up food, it is possible to wind up failing to get the right amount of vitamin supplements and proteins. This article offers beneficial strategies to help you balance your diet plan in a healthier trend. If you are veggie or perhaps a meats eater, proteins is a very essential a part of your daily diet. You ought to consume healthy proteins at every solitary dish to help keep your bloodstream blood insulin or blood sugar well-balanced. Eating way too many carbohydrates and never enough health proteins, can present you with an energy higher, now as well as an electricity accident, afterwards. Use cauliflower as opposed to carrots. Boil cauliflower within a pot in the stove right up until really tender. Then, the cauliflower in a mixing machine or foods central processing unit with butter, light-weight bad product, salt and pepper, and mix right up until it reaches an easy texture much like mashed potatoes. They have much a lot fewer carbohydrates and calorie consumption, in addition to far more nutrients and vitamins. Did you know that you are able to battle tiredness that is certainly experienced after consuming? You are able to click out from the tiredness you feel soon after lunch by consuming a high glass of water and having a small higher-anti-oxidant food for instance a prune. This will help refresh your lethargic feeling and help fire within the brain. Try out getting your vegatables and fruits at a farmer’s industry close to you. Not only do in your area-cultivated meals use a little influence on the planet, but are also better for you, since tiny farms usually use a lot less harmful substances. It’s fun to walk close to and trial all of the scrumptious vegetables and fruit. Communicate together with the farm owners to make sure you know specifically how and where the meals was created. Therefore, eating healthy with limited funds is obviously possible. Actually, maintaining a healthy diet can be cheaper than basically eating out at fast food dining establishments. For this reason, you possess no reason. Have the option to reside a far healthier way of life for yourself!
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Vitamins and minerals are a crucial part of existence. You get the foodstuffs and vitamins you will need from practicing the proper nutritional behavior and supplementing your diet plan in which essential. The following relevant details about crucial minerals and vitamins may help you get started ensuring that you’re using the proper dieting. In case you are feeling as if you require somewhat of a improve you must boost your vitamin supplement intake. Vit C not simply helps with combating off contamination, furthermore, it gives you extra vitality by supplementing what you could be deficient. The main reason we feel lower than perfect is we are deficient in nutritional supplements. To get ample vitamin supplement D, ingest whole milk and head out in the sunshine. In the event you don’t beverage dairy and don’t get outdoors significantly, ensure that you get Supplement D within a health supplement. This vitamin might help guard your bones and maintain them powerful. If you are intending on getting any nutritional vitamins, try to plan them close to mealtimes. Whenever you eat and break down the food, belly acid solution is generated. This will help to break down any nutritional vitamins you are taking in, which means that they are much more efficient. E Vitamin is a excess fat soluble nutritional that can be found in grain bacteria, chicken eggs, chicken and plant natural oils. Vitamin E Antioxidant may be used to treat cardiac troubles, such as upper body pain, high blood pressure and solidifying of the arterial blood vessels. It may also help prevent some kinds of cancer. The most effective way to make sure you have the vitamins and minerals you need is to have a e vitamin health supplement. When choosing vitamins, make sure the expiry day in the package deal before buying them. Nutritional vitamins have got a life expectancy and never previous for a long time. Storing time, exposure to gentle and temp can all outcome the quality of nutritional vitamins and further decrease the expiry day. So make sure that you are purchasing high quality natural vitamins that have not expired. Whenever you aren’t feeling well, you must search for assist, and you will have done so these days. These great tricks and tips will genuinely assist you down the road to fantastic well being. In order to benefit from the time you possess spent reading right now, write a strategy to get what you require and practice it!
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A vitamin nutritional supplement helps make up for what you really are not receiving from your food items. Building a choice is difficult, as there are plenty of supplements available. This post will help turn this less difficult. Never ever overlook the item warnings on vitamin amounts. Vitamin and nutritional supplements could have critical unwanted effects when used with prescription and non-prescription drugs. Ginseng can be quite harmful in case you have high blood pressure levels or acquire coronary heart prescription drugs. Lycopene could be lethal in case you have a tomato allergic reaction. Always read the alert tags or ask your pharmacist or medical professional when considering vitamins or nutritional supplements. Acquire vitamins to get a more healthy body. You’ll recuperate faster, feed your own muscles, and shed much more extra fat. If you are planning on getting any nutritional vitamins, try to plan them about mealtimes. Whenever you eat and absorb the food, tummy acid is generated. This can help breakdown any vitamins you happen to be consuming, meaning that they are a lot more successful. If you’re trying to find a low priced approach to get a lean body and lifestyle, think of supplementing your regular diet with minerals and vitamins. For just a few bucks on a monthly basis, you are able to decrease the visits to the medical doctor by improving your wellness with mineral and vitamin health supplements. Although all vitamins and minerals are very important, some are much more necessary for growing young children. When preparation your child’s diet, make certain they are acquiring ample vitamin supplements A, C and D, plus the B vitamin supplements. Calcium and steel are also crucial to your expanding children’s physiques. To summarize, there exists plenty of information out there about vitamins and minerals. Knowing which supplements are right for your actual age and gender is crucial. Make use of these tips to help you find the appropriate kinds to suit your needs.
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Do you sense run lower? Are you feeling like your entire body will not be providing its very best? The problem could possibly be the way you energy your system. A lot of people believe fueling your body is merely about maintaining a healthy diet foods, but overlook the significance of the nutritional vitamins which are taken in. Browse the report in advance to discover what you can do to refocus on these crucial requirements. Should you be experiencing as if you will need a bit of a improve you should enhance your supplement intake. Ascorbic Acid not merely assists in fighting away from disease, in addition, it will give you extra vitality by supplementing what you may well be inadequate. The key reason we sense less than ideal is we have been deficient in minerals and vitamins. When choosing excess fat-soluble vitamins, like omega-3, it is a great idea to hold them within the fridge. Because they contain excess fat, inappropriate retailer can cause them to become rancid. Also, make sure to place them from warmth and lightweight since this can break them downward and then make them ineffective. If you would like have robust and plentiful reddish colored blood flow tissues, you need to get sufficient steel. The red blood vessels tissue are responsible for transporting oxygen via your entire body. It can be required for ladies to preserve a higher levels than men, and there are health supplements designed specially for females. You may well be reduced in iron in case you have breathing problems or are only generally tired. Try incorporating more magnesium, Omega-3 essential fatty acids, and vitamin D to your diet program if you are feeling miserable. A deficiency in any one of these may actually lead to despression symptoms. Omega-3 fatty acids are acknowledged to support mind health, although the mineral magnesium can help your body and mind settle down and relax. When choosing nutritional vitamins, look for the expiry time on the bundle before you buy them. Natural vitamins use a shelf-life and never very last forever. Safe-keeping time, contact with light-weight and temperature can all effect the caliber of vitamin supplements and further decrease the expiration time. So make sure that you are purchasing quality vitamins who have not expired. Reading the info mentioned above, you are prepared to decide on the finest nutritional supplement for you. When you don’t fully grasp what to do, it can be difficult to get excellent dietary supplements. However, the information using this article makes it quicker to recognize.
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Good results in well being can be something elusive to many people. They could begin to consume a cleanser diet and in many cases workout a couple of times per week, nevertheless they in no way sense they’ve achieved total wellbeing. Anything they are missing is nutritional supplements, and the following advice and techniques should assist you to understand this matter. Should you be experiencing like you need a bit of a enhance you must increase your nutritional absorption. Vitamin C not only assists in preventing off of disease, it also provides you with more electricity by supplementing what you could be lacking. The biggest reason we sense under best is we have been deficient in nutritional vitamins. The most effective way to obtain nutritional vitamins are new vegetables and fruit. Making sure that you take in at least 5 portions of fresh vegetables and fruit daily may help ensure you get all of the vitamins and minerals you have to be healthier. For the best outcomes, try to eat them unprocessed or extremely casually prepared by steaming or poaching. Iron is crucial to red-colored bloodstream mobile phone creation. These tissues transport fresh air to areas of the body. Women require more metal and a lot of health supplements are manufactured for these people with higher metal concentrations. If you believe tired on a regular basis and possess issues respiration, you could be deficient in steel. Once you have gone through the menopause, don’t acquire prenatal vitamin supplements. Some women consider it’s smart to take them to increase their nails and head of hair. Even though this is not normally problematic, they include greater amounts of steel than required for ladies who are submit-menopausal. Though all nutritional supplements are essential, some are much more important for developing children. When preparing your child’s diet, make sure they are acquiring adequate vitamin supplements A, C and D, along with the B nutritional vitamins. Calcium and steel will also be essential for your personal increasing children’s systems. You should be knowledgeable by now of the significance of utilizing the proper minerals and vitamins consistently. Irrespective of your identiity, you are able to possibly make use of incorporating a health supplement for your everyday schedule. Use the recommendations you have go through on this page to select the proper items.
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Tonic Greens has gained popularity as a health supplement known for its rich blend of vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts. This article explores its composition, potential health benefits, usage instructions, and possible side effects. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/tonicgreens/
SightCare is a revolutionary dietary supplement designed to support and maintain optimal eye health. In today’s digital age, where screens dominate our daily lives, the need for effective eye care solutions has never been greater. SightCare aims to meet this need with its scientifically formulated blend of essential nutrients and antioxidants. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/sightcare/
Boostaro stands out as a natural solution for boosting energy levels and supporting overall vitality. Its blend of caffeine, adaptogens, and essential nutrients offers a balanced approach to enhancing physical and mental energy. As with any supplement, consult with a healthcare professional before starting, especially if you have any health concerns or sensitivities. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/boostaro/
Prostadine is a dietary supplement formulated to support prostate health, particularly in men experiencing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or other prostate-related issues. As men age, maintaining prostate health becomes increasingly important to avoid urinary discomfort and other related problems. Prostadine aims to provide a natural solution through a blend of ingredients known for their beneficial effects on the prostate. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/prostabiome
Prostadine is a dietary supplement formulated to support prostate health, particularly in men experiencing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or other prostate-related issues. As men age, maintaining prostate health becomes increasingly important to avoid urinary discomfort and other related problems. Prostadine aims to provide a natural solution through a blend of ingredients known for their beneficial effects on the prostate. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/prostadine/
Glucotil is a dietary supplement designed to support healthy blood sugar levels and overall metabolic health. Managing blood sugar is crucial for individuals with diabetes or pre-diabetes, as well as for those looking to maintain healthy energy levels and prevent future metabolic issues. Glucotil combines natural ingredients that have been shown to positively affect blood glucose regulation and insulin sensitivity.
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Sugar Defender is a dietary supplement designed to help regulate blood sugar levels and support overall metabolic health. Targeting individuals with pre-diabetes, diabetes, or those seeking to maintain stable blood sugar levels, Sugar Defender combines natural ingredients known for their ability to improve glucose metabolism and enhance insulin sensitivity. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/sugardefender/
Nagano Tonic is a dietary supplement designed to promote overall health and wellness. Drawing inspiration from traditional Japanese medicine and modern nutritional science, Nagano Tonic incorporates a blend of natural ingredients known for their health-boosting properties. This supplement aims to enhance energy levels, support immune function, and improve overall vitality. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/naganotonicleanbelly/
ZenCortex is a nootropic supplement designed to enhance cognitive function, support brain health, and improve mental clarity. By combining a blend of natural ingredients known for their neuroprotective and cognitive-enhancing properties, ZenCortex aims to boost memory, focus, and overall brain performance. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/zencortex/
SeroLean is a dietary supplement designed to support weight loss and overall metabolic health. By leveraging the power of natural ingredients, SeroLean aims to help individuals achieve their weight management goals by enhancing serotonin levels, reducing appetite, and promoting fat metabolism. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/serolean/
LeanGene is a dietary supplement designed to support weight loss and metabolic health by targeting genetic and metabolic pathways. Utilizing a blend of natural ingredients, LeanGene aims to enhance fat burning, suppress appetite, and improve overall metabolic function, helping individuals achieve their weight management goals more effectively.
Pineal XT is a dietary supplement formulated to enhance sleep quality and support sleep patterns. Known for its natural ingredients, Pineal XT particularly focuses on boosting melatonin production, aiding individuals in managing sleep-related issues effectively. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/pinealxt/
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Puravive is a dietary supplement designed to support weight loss and overall metabolic health. By leveraging a blend of natural ingredients known for their fat-burning and metabolism-boosting properties, Puravive aims to help individuals achieve their weight management goals and enhance their overall well-being. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/puravive-web/
Puravive is a dietary supplement designed to support weight loss and overall metabolic health. By leveraging a blend of natural ingredients known for their fat-burning and metabolism-boosting properties, Puravive aims to help individuals achieve their weight management goals and enhance their overall well-being. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/puravive-web/
Sugar Balance is a dietary supplement designed to support healthy blood sugar levels. Utilizing a blend of natural ingredients, Sugar Balance aims to help individuals manage their blood sugar more effectively, offering a holistic approach to maintaining metabolic health and preventing complications associated with high blood sugar levels. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/sugarbalance
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Kerassentials is a skincare and nail care product designed to promote healthy, strong nails and improve the overall condition of the skin. Combining natural and scientifically-backed ingredients, Kerassentials targets common issues such as fungal infections, brittle nails, and dry skin, providing a comprehensive solution for maintaining nail and skin health. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/kerassentials-try/
EyeFortin is an all-natural eye-health supplement that helps to keep your eyes healthy even as you age. It prevents infections and detoxifies your eyes while also being stimulant-free. This makes it a great choice for those who are looking for a natural way to improve their eye health. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/eyefortin/
Burn Boost is a dietary supplement designed to aid in weight management and fat loss. Combining a blend of natural ingredients, Burn Boost aims to increase metabolism, enhance energy levels, and support overall weight loss efforts. This article explores the composition, benefits, clinical evidence, and user experiences related to Burn Boost. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/burnboost/
GlucoTrust is a dietary supplement designed to support healthy blood sugar levels and improve overall metabolic health. Combining a blend of natural ingredients known for their beneficial effects on blood sugar regulation, GlucoTrust aims to provide a comprehensive solution for individuals looking to manage their blood sugar levels naturally. This article explores the composition, benefits, clinical evidence, and user experiences related to GlucoTrust. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/glucotrust/
Alpha Tonic is a dietary supplement designed to support male vitality, energy, and overall performance. Combining a blend of natural ingredients known for their beneficial effects on male health, Alpha Tonic aims to provide a comprehensive solution for men looking to enhance their physical and mental well-being. This article explores the composition, benefits, clinical evidence, and user experiences related to Alpha Tonic. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/alphatonic/
Red Boost is a dietary supplement formulated to support male vitality, enhance physical performance, and improve overall well-being. With a blend of potent natural ingredients, Red Boost aims to address common issues related to male health, such as low energy, reduced libido, and decreased stamina. This article delves into the composition, benefits, clinical evidence, and user experiences of Red Boost. https://sites.google.com/spsw.edu.pl/redboost/
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